Example sentences of "point at which [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 If they do n't there is a cutoff point at which we know all our production costs all our er administration costs and all commissions we we will have covered .
2 The point at which we come to enjoy aloneness is when we start to relish the advantages instead of dwelling on the disadvantages .
3 The point at which we receive these signals will of course depend upon the size and shape of our internal glasses , that is , it will depend upon our own physiological make-up — our individual capacity for stress .
4 The party 's September conference in Brighton ‘ was the point at which we said ‘ right , this is a political entity that 's going to continue ’ .
5 This is the point at which we have to work [ here ] .
6 Yesterday Mr Olsen said the company had been approached by CITIC about the possible purchase of a holding back in November and the talks had reached a point at which they had had to be made public .
7 These erudite analyses and subtle experiments thus led back to precisely the point at which they had started .
8 Correspondingly , unpopular schools might expect to contract to a point at which they lose their viability .
9 However , phonetically , the point at which they converge is further back than that characteristic of older middle-class speakers .
10 It pushes the Tories back beyond the point at which they receive the support of a quarter of the electorate .
11 Moderator the erm overture which we passed into an act er in the last sentence of section three says the names of such children , that 's those children who have been admitted to erm communion as children , shall be admitted to the communion roll of the congregation when they have made public profession of their faith that is , when they reach the point at which they make that normal statement and the my understanding would be people whose names are on the communion roll .
12 They may , perhaps , legitimately be so viewed when sexual satisfaction becomes totally dependent upon them to a point at which they take the place of the interpersonal psycho-genital stimuli to which most of us are subject ; or , as in one or two instances , when they are so grossly in departure from presently accepted norms that no correlation of them with accepted stimuli and practices is possible .
13 R. A. Fisher ( 1930 ) demonstrated that female choice for particular male characteristics ( such as tail size ) can cause them to develop to a point at which they reduce the average fitness of males .
14 Yet Lankester often ignored this warning in his own work , and suggested that all forms of life can be ranked into grades defined by the point at which they branched off from the main line of progress towards humankind .
15 No-one seems to progress very far from the point at which they started , and if they try , they generally get it all wrong .
16 The last careful cut on the brackets is the point at which they meet .
17 I liked it when Kaptan described his moment of deliverance , the point at which I tried to shoot my old comrade in arms in the back , then the desperate fumble to see who 'd get their shots off first .
18 So here at last , this point at which I stood , was the very place , the geophysical start-line at which two of the world 's great geologic plates met .
19 Martinho had lost no time in recounting the true details of Osvaldo 's moment of weakness , the point at which he 'd flipped his lid for the first and last time in his career , that murderous aberration which had been the doom of old friend and new foe alike .
20 The robber at Bath Road had grabbed £45,000 after shooting the two guards and made his initial getaway on a moped , found , say the prosecution , at the point at which he 'd switched to a getaway car driven by the second man .
21 That was the point at which he took his first step towards home .
22 It took the form of an open space tapering from a broad base outside the abbey walls , northwards to a point at which he built St Peter 's church .
23 This was the point at which he drew up his application for the Mandan Foundation grant .
24 He did not want anyone to get too close to him , especially after his years with Vivien , and there was a point at which he withdrew from those who expected too great an intimacy .
25 If Thorarin is reliable this was also the point at which he entrusted Denmark to one of his sons .
26 First , you time the length of the material to be trimmed at the beginning of the shot , and subtract from it the amount of the backspace ; this shorter length is then the point at which you set the tape early for the edit-in .
27 And what was the point at which you thought I want to stop doing this ?
28 There are only really four principal types of throw : two different flat balls and two different lobs , the variation simply being the point at which you take the ball .
29 Evidently I did not see fighters go down that day but I know they did but this was a first realization as if there was somebody up there to kill me and I guess this is the point at which you realize that you are going to kill them before they kill you and all of a sudden we are in combat all our lives and we take a complete change in outlook from everything because up to now everything had been practise and training just for this except we did not have that realization that they are there to kill us , who 's gon na be killed first ?
30 I think there is a point at which you do have
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