Example sentences of "to make the same [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There needs to be a degree of tolerance and a willingness to accept that not all are willing or able to make the same level of commitment , but there are limits .
2 These two men , and many between , have had to make the same type of decisions about the positions of their steel works .
3 Michael Green draws attention to the fact that the Gospels represent an entirely new literary form , which was neither history , nor biography , but a highly selective weaving together of fragments using preaching and teaching ‘ arranged in order to show what sort of person Jesus was , to give the evidence on which the disciples had followed him and had adjudged him the Messiah and Son of God , and by the strongest possible implication , challenge the readers to make the same act of faith in Christ as they themselves had done ’ ( Green 1970:229 , 230 ) .
4 But diversifying companies found it much harder to exploit economies of scale and scope in these new fields — usually , says Mr Chandler , because they failed to make the same kind of first-mover investments they had made in their primary businesses .
5 I expect to continue to make the same kind of pictures . ’
6 When less than a year later she topped the bill with Jason at a Children 's Royal Variety show at the Dominion Theatre she was not about to make the same error of judgement .
7 I 'm determined not to make the same mistake with them . ’
8 Violence again propelled Northern Ireland into the national news headlines , but it did not seem to make the same impact at Stormont Castle , RUC headquarters at Brooklyn or Army headquarters in Lisburn .
9 A person without the use of his sense of sight would certainly not be in a position to make the same use of colour words as the rest of us .
10 Albert Schweitzer appealed for the same cause the following year , and in January 1958 Professor Linus Pauling , the Nobel prize-winning chemist , presented the signatures of more than 9,000 scientists to the United Nations secretary-general , Dag Hammarskjöld , warning the world of the genetic dangers of tests and calling for their immediate end — it was this which immediately influenced Sakharov to make the same appeal to Khrushchev .
11 This month Janet Jackson signed a deal with Virgin Records to make the same amount of music for more than $30m .
12 Even if one thinks one 's own company will not reduce costs further , it is dangerous to make the same assumption for one 's rivals .
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