Example sentences of "to make it [adj] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Like everyone else in this market , IBM is trying to make it easy for small sites to install so it comes in a wide variety of fixed configurations that encompass various Token Ring , Ethernet wide area network and SDLC attached devices .
2 The social class composition of lawyers compared with particular client groups appears to make it easy for some to consult lawyers while presenting barriers to other sections of the community .
3 I have chopped up the Info in such a way as to make it Faxable on 2 sheets So I could do that too , at a pinch .
4 Previously there were many beginners ' boards available but most were supplied with a massive 6.5m 2 sail which stretched and distorted to make it unmanageable in more than a few knots of wind .
5 On Dec. 5 , 1990 , the Commission put forward proposals to make it illegal for certain airlines to agree on standard fares or to distribute all available take-off and landing slots at a particular airport among themselves .
6 You may also limit the duration of the Offline run if , for instance , you have only one tape drive and need to make it available for other operations .
7 And when the flat 's not in use for entertaining clients I like to make it available to all my employees . ’
8 So there was no question but that section 2 of the 1911 Act applied to make it unlawful for any person to communicate information without authorization .
9 The second defect is that the suggestion is too strong and is likely to make it impossible for any of us to know anything at all .
10 Even in situations where there is a published list covering the requirements of the type of library or the subject area to be indexed , this list is likely to require adjustment in order to make it compatible with local requirements .
11 The Government 's objective was to make the industry more efficient , to bring it into the latter part of the 20th century and to make it possible for British mines to produce competitively .
12 They aim to make it possible for those opposed to remain in the Church and be able to operate .
13 Even after many of the separate grants were amalgamated in 1958 into a single general grant , government continued to expand its financial support quite rapidly to make it possible for local councils to fulfil the pledges which national parties frequently gave in general elections — to replace slums or old schools , to reduce the size of classes , and much else .
14 Your mother used to make it hot with this sauce . ’
15 Critics claim the technology is 1980s passe and not for Unix and that it would take a tremendous amount of engineering to make it suitable for modern enterprise-wide client/server applications that demand object-oriented solutions .
16 This is because the solution has numerous additives to make it suitable for restorative embalming .
17 To make it suitable for public use improvements will need to be made including resurfacing the stone route — this will also make it suitable for wheelchairs — and installing metal railings by the path .
18 We have modernised the procedures of this place to make it compulsory for all private and hybrid Bills to incorporate environmental impact assessment statements .
19 Only when the Bill was amended to make it compulsory for local authorities to provide and maintain facilities for deaf children did the Liberal Government of the day allow the Bill to become law .
20 Birkdale does n't need a lot of wind to make it tough like some links courses .
21 That 's the reason why the needed not only to draw her self-portrait , but also to make it clear to all that it embodied something unique and irreplaceable , something worth fighting or even dying for .
22 ‘ But I want to make it clear to both of you — as I shall to Mrs Abberley — that any further information you come across touching on this case should be communicated to us immediately .
23 We must continue to make it clear to potential aggressors , however , that we should strike back with all the means that we judge appropriate , conventional or nuclear .
24 We also know that the Government are not reluctant to make it clear to those working on their behalf exactly what sort of political message they want to receive .
25 What we 've , so what it means is we have to make it clear to those people who are authorised to sign off invoices that their signature not only authorises accounts to pay it but also signifies that the delivery has been checked and is erm , is adequate .
26 It looks as though the agreement of March 1186 had failed to make it clear beyond all possibility of argument whether or not the Angevins could keep the Vexin if Alice remained unmarried .
27 Thus Deacon has shown how ‘ the genuinely seeking work test ’ was manipulated in the 1920s to make it difficult for unemployed people to establish their claim to benefit .
28 Their progress was fast , the ground had hardened after the rains while Sir James had unfurled the royal standard of Scotland to make it obvious to any others using the road to stand aside quickly and let them pass .
29 Gaviria stated that the economy needed a " shake-up " in order to increase its size and competitiveness and to make it attractive to foreign investors .
30 Observers from Russia , Portugal ( Angola 's former colonial master ) and America , who had spent much of the six weeks drafting and redrafting endless versions of the ‘ Abidjan protocol ’ — the peace agreement that never was — worked until the last minute trying to reformulate this point to make it acceptable to both sides .
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