Example sentences of "to make [noun pl] on the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The king ensured that vital funds continued to flow , and was in any case disposed to make concessions on the question of cartels because many of the monopolistic companies had gone bankrupt and were useless to him .
2 On the other hand Ponce was strengthened in his intransigence by a papal letter forbidding him to make concessions on the immunity .
3 Agencies mobilize their own client groups to make demands on the legislature for resources which the agency will disburse .
4 Through Forster he had acquired a wide circle of literary acquaintances , many of whom he recruited to make broadcasts on the radio .
5 This Order , which is now in force , extends the powers of building societies with commercial assets of at least £100m to make advances on the security of land in any member state of the European Community other than the UK ( where , clearly , they already have that power ) .
6 She preferred to make corrections on the spot .
7 Very few teachers are qualified to make assessments on the basis of linguistic criteria , and Rosen and Burgess 's categories were in themselves vague enough to be interpreted differently by different teachers .
8 Finally , the relatives of patients have no right to make decisions on the patient 's behalf .
9 This combination of good marksmanship with poor reasoning ability can only be described as alarming — in particular when so many military duties may be concerned with public order , as in Northern Ireland , where rules of engagement require the soldier to make decisions on the basis of evidence that is often ambiguous .
10 Expressed was a need to ‘ belong ’ ; a small firm , a boss who knows you as one of his employees , who walks around the factory — a benevolent authority — with the right and the ability to make decisions on the spot .
11 The pragmatism of field staff places much greater value on what a man can do in the field : his practical knowledge , his capacity to make decisions on the spot , his ability to talk to people .
12 The job , accordingly , is one in which qualities of initiative and the ability to make decisions on the spot are prized — just as a policeman must be able to ‘ handle a situation ’ ( Wilson , 1968:31 ) .
13 If the member is found guilty , he is entitled to make submissions on the question of any penalty .
14 The parties would have a secondary opportunity to ask questions of any witnesses and to make submissions on the law .
15 As a result of de Robeck 's change of mind , on 26 March Lord Kitchener dispatched the Mediterranean Expeditionary Force from Egypt to make landings on the peninsula .
16 Patricof plans to invest further sums in Neill allowing it to make acquisitions on the Continent .
17 The way he carried out most of his large soft-ground etching was to make drawings on the spot on very thin paper the actual size the final print was to be .
18 As a response to popular demands for greater democracy , Habyarimana in November announced plans to abandon one-party rule and set up a review commission , whose brief was to make recommendations on the country 's future political system .
19 The school teachers ' review body has been asked to make recommendations on the pay and conditions of school teachers in 1992-93 .
20 Several working parties were set up to make recommendations on the content of each subject and on the appropriate levels of attainment at each stage .
21 It represented the views of the heads of government with regard to the discussions of a 10-country " High Level Appraisal Group " , appointed to make recommendations on the organization 's future role and chaired by the Malaysian Prime Minister .
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