Example sentences of "to make [noun pl] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 To make things still worse , he added that it would in any case be quite useless for them to make plans without the king 's approval , for nothing could be achieved without his collaboration .
2 There would be a specific duty on local authorities to make plans for the recycling of waste which must be high on the list of priorities when formulating policy .
3 Here was the woman I wanted to marry , the woman I thought of every day as I looked beyond the cell to make plans for the future .
4 In public , the duke continued to make plans for the coronation of Edward V , still scheduled for 22 June .
5 In public , the duke continued to make plans for the coronation of Edward V , still scheduled for 22 June .
6 A deputy of Sproull 's reputation , officiating in the regality court , would be certain to make enemies for the politician who appointed him , and Gorthie strongly advised the duke to get rid of the bailie-depute immediately .
7 Rodrigo and Motamid rapidly began to make inroads into the border territory separating the Caliphates of Saragossa and Lerida .
8 With six shoes under £37 , Diadora is likely to make inroads into the budget end of the market .
9 Gradually , Haslemere started to make inroads into the Ewshot half and good interplay between the forwards resulted in a short corner from which Hamilton was unlucky to see his well-struck shot hit the post .
10 Traditionally the knocker boys — descended from former London barrow boys who left London in the 1950s , originally to make inroads into the town 's fruit and veg business — have been based in Brighton .
11 ( 2 ) Before application is made for the grant of a licence under this Part of this Act , draft rules as to the persons entitled to use the canteen shall be prepared for submission with the application , and the licensing board shall refuse to grant the licence unless the body providing the canteen undertake to make rules for the canteen in the form of the draft , with the modifications , if any , required by the licensing board , and not to vary those rules without the consent of the licensing board .
12 The Governor was given wide powers to make rules concerning the branding , sale , and transfer of cattle .
13 He had taken a sheet of writing paper from the desk and used it to make notes during the meeting .
14 In answer to questions the Home Secretary at this time had stated that this was an issue for individual courts to make requests of the press , not a matter for legislation .
15 Only sworn foresters of the king were allowed to carry bows and arrows in the forest : woodwards , according to a fourteenth-century judgement of the Court of King 's Bench , ‘ ought … to carry an axe … in order to make presentments regarding the vert and the venison ’ .
16 I should have thought that it was much more sensible to make proposals from the start for both a station and a link .
17 It reminded the county council of the need to make improvements in the area around the site and in its dealings with mineral operators in that area .
18 And , since we 're talking about it , I want to make amends for the way I treated his mother .
19 Here , to make amends for the fright I have put you in .
20 And as if to make amends for the rapacity of his Victorian forebears and their employers , he re-discovered species — notably the holly fern — long thought extinct in Snowdonia .
21 Mark Gill was given the chance to make amends before the interval as he converted an equalising penalty awarded after Mike Smith had smothered the ball in the Billingham goal .
22 No time to make concessions to the weather .
23 Further to this , Levin claims that Debord ‘ does not disparage pleasure ’ and yet argues elsewhere in the essay that his films deliberately refuse to make concessions to the viewer .
24 The king ensured that vital funds continued to flow , and was in any case disposed to make concessions on the question of cartels because many of the monopolistic companies had gone bankrupt and were useless to him .
25 On the other hand Ponce was strengthened in his intransigence by a papal letter forbidding him to make concessions on the immunity .
26 It seems to me that whatever else was on the menu at County Hall last night , the dinner was principally a buttering-up exercise and one that ill-befits a county which struggled to make savings in the education budget earlier this year .
27 However , for the most part the fundholders ' business plans indicated that they planned to make savings in the prescribing element of their budgets rather than in hospital services .
28 have to make cars with the steering wheel one side or the other .
29 This was probably a man called Michael Sidnell , from Bristol , who had carved a memorial tablet in Alderly Church in 1732 , and had later gone on to make designs for the court-house at Westbury on Severn .
30 What I have to report here are observations of the behaviour of a number of families who agreed to make recordings in the context of the research project described in my Introduction .
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