Example sentences of "point [prep] which the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I believe that she may be the focal point through which the Ancient Adversary will try to thwart the designs of the Dark Ones . ’
2 The American War of Independence and the French Revolution marked a turning point after which the new meaning became universal , Britain excepted .
3 It is the point on which the academic community turns , and it is by their research performance that academics take on their professional identity and are judged by their peers .
4 In most traditional farmsteads it was also the central point to which the other buildings related .
5 The sections stained with haematoxylin and eosin and those stained for gastrin had the point at which the parietal cells stopped distally and the point at which the G cells stopped proximally marked on the surface of the slides .
6 A profit-maximising firm under conditions of perfect competition will expand production up to the point at which the additional cost of producing the last unit of output ( ’ marginal cost ’ ) is equal to price .
7 The needle and sample are chosen so that they form a thermocouple : a device that produces a voltage if the point at which the two materials meet is hotter than its surroundings .
8 It is also the point at Which the divided communities meet , and if the expansion is to continue without incident it must be closely regulated .
9 Thus investment or additions to the capital stock will proceed up to the point at which the present value of the future profits equals the initial purchase price of new capital goods .
10 The location and nature of the point at which the various controls terminate may vary with the size and complexity of the storage area .
11 It only remains for miniaturisation , integration and market demand to reach the point at which the various elements can be drawn together into a single commercially viable device .
12 Existing management structures and knowledge bases are on the one hand inappropriate , and on the other largely inadequate , for this task and these inadequacies are very serious constraints ; of the two , the lack of adequate knowledge bases for evaluation in a process sense is probably more important but it is also the point at which the greatest development could take place .
13 For example the gradual deterioration often associated with deafness will make it impossible to determine the point at which the required criterion of deafness was first satisfied .
14 Discussion centred on the issue of the point at which the Irish government should enter the envisaged inter-party talks .
15 In an effort to resolve the dispute it was agreed on May 26 that a subcommittee would consider the point at which the Irish government would take part in the talks .
16 Here is the unique point at which the fitful indeterminacy of quantum theory makes itself felt .
17 To overcome this difficulty , the estimated cumulative proportion of ulcers relapsing on each treatment was calculated using life tables and the log rank test as described by Peto et al because this method uses the actual duration of the ulcer free period for each patient and allows any censored data to be incorporated into the calculation up to the point at which the patient drops out of the trial .
18 That is the point at which the 2 per cent share shop charge equals the £28 standard service minimum .
19 The Spanish in South America had of course embarked on this course long before the British ; the changes of 1757–63 mark the point at which the British moved on an appreciable scale into the imperial activity of gaining new subjects in the process of expansion .
20 When the particle reaches the point at which the particle-antiparticle pair originally materialized , it is scattered by the gravitational field so that it travels forward in time .
21 It must pay to reach the point at which the marginal benefit to one of you equals the marginal cost to the other .
22 One reason is that , if each firm were charged the same price or tax for a marginal unit of pollution , then every firm would pollute up to the point at which the marginal cost of reducing pollution was equal to the price of pollution .
23 However society decides to value the benefit of saving human life , an efficient allocation would adopt health and safety regulations up to the point at which the marginal social cost of saving life by each and every means was equal to the marginal social benefit of saving life .
24 Suppose we assume that each regulation is enforced up to the point at which the marginal cost and marginal benefit of saving life are equal for that activity .
25 ( The population size should be increased to the point at which the marginal gains to residents are made equal to the marginal costs to club residents as a result of increasing the number in the locality ; i.e. the property rights are vested with existing club members . )
26 The second reason is that of an inch is the point at which the human eye can no longer distinguish individual dots and , for Japanese typography at least , the division between quality and low-resolution .
27 The Bill will cover all such claimants , but the regulations specify the point at which the direct payments will start .
28 THE superconducting transition temperature , T c , defines the point at which the free energies of the superconducting and normal states of a material become equal .
29 There was a delay between the time the ring started to glow and the point at which the glowing reached its peak , because light from the near side of the ring arrived at the earth while light from the far side was still on its way .
30 Investment should increase capacity up to the point at which the once-and-for-all cost of a new plant equals the present value of operating profits when the efficient pricing structure is in operation .
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