Example sentences of "seen [prep] [pron] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It had been a convenient fiction to smooth the path towards what he must have seen as their inevitable destiny in that great , soft bed .
2 Certainly Sunday schools had the opportunity to advance working-class literacy , but that was not seen as their main purpose .
3 Within hours of the IDF departure Hezbollah militiamen returned to the villages , reportedly accompanied by members of what had hitherto been seen as their main rival within the Lebanese Shia population , the Syrian-backed Amal militia .
4 Emptiness is both a cause and a result of passivity , and can be seen as its physiological epitome .
5 His earlier much-fabled ‘ ruthless determination ’ and fanatical single-mindedness were now becoming to be regarded as a major liability , and the command to the 6th Army to fight to the last man was seen as its fateful demonstration .
6 This scheme has almost been seen as our joint number one priority in terms of social housing projects along with , obviously , getting social housing on to er , Church Langley .
7 The adversary system , based on a party duopoly of seats in the House of Commons and party monopoly ( or an elective dictatorship ) of the government , has come to be seen as our national style of politics .
8 When seen for their final treatment session , 7 weeks after the overdose , the couple 's improved social life had been maintained .
9 Their structure was by no means on a sound footing by the 1560 's however , and heeding what must have been glowing reports from England , and having seen for themselves good samples of the ore , they were probably quite eager to invest in the English adventure .
10 Car 3 of 1885 is seen with its 20-foot trolley arm reaching across to the overhead line above the kerb .
11 Second , it gives our staff excellent experience to go abroad and broaden their horizons … people are less likely to complain about working conditions here when they 've seen with their own eyes what conditions are like abroad .
12 The accident was seen by Iain Macdonald , a Strathclyde regional councillor who is chairman of the Nuclear Free Zones Scotland organisation : ‘ We have seen with our own eyes how simple it is for a road accident to take place and there is no reason why the convoy itself could not have been involved .
13 But in order to be understood it needs to be seen within its original context of faith in one God who can only be spoken about by using metaphorical language .
14 Structural change always needs to be seen in its environmental context .
15 ‘ We shall have to conduct parliamentary debates in a style the Communist Party has not yet seen in its entire history , ’ Mr Modrow said .
16 In fact , a rule of life which I should have seen in its perfect clarity , was already operating .
17 The basic rationale for such courses derives from the discipline itself , and can be seen in its pure form in disciplines which have no obvious employment destination , such as philosophy or history .
18 It is , perhaps , too man-orientated for general use but it is an excellent ‘ reader ’ on a complex subject seen in its historical context .
19 The same influence could be seen in its early-20th-century chat-pieces , trumpeting cricket 's role in strengthening the bonds of Britain 's empire .
20 Without the light of the Gospel , it would never be seen in its true depths , but would remain a coloured stone , beautiful , but not bright with a message of God shining within it .
21 Now a rise in interest rates would be seen in its true colours , as a means for attempting to support the value of sterling at an artificially high level against the D-Mark within the ERM .
22 " There needs to be some factor which when seen in its true light makes the reason for the murder obvious , but which is more easily seen in a false light . "
23 A look at this shy and distinctive creature which has lived in Britain for thousands of years and featured in many favourite stories but is rarely seen in its natural habitat .
24 She had seen in her young days the island women carry brass bottomless bowls on their heads to support the old churns in which they delivered milk .
25 Seen in her latest movie ‘ Indecent Proposal ’ she can be seen wearing a tee-shirt with the sole word LINFIELD in large letters emblazed across it !
26 They woke on Sunday morning and people wre going to church … they dare n't be seen in their working clothes .
27 Selfishness is also seen in their apparent lack of concern for the poor but what , in effect , could they do ? ’
28 Correspondingly , all other addictive diseases can be seen in their primary form in the Relapse Syndrome phase before the sufferer returns ( if he or she does return ) to the use of the substance or behaviour of addiction .
29 " The Youth Militant supporters must be seen in their true light of splitters and disrupters and cleared out of the youth movement , " urged John Gollan , secretary of the Young Communist League , after the conference .
30 The arches will never be seen in their original form again ; To preserve them against the increased exposure to the elements which lowering the water level will bring , they 're to be sprayed with a fine layer of protective concrete , leaving no visible sign of their remarkable survival .
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