Example sentences of "school [prep] the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In 1848 Prince Windischgrätz turned it into the headquarters of his General Staff ; it then became a special school for the Communist Party and is now being restored as the Academy of Music .
2 Large numbers of owners and dogs gathered inside the building which serves as an indoor school for the handicapped children who ride at the centre .
3 It seems that the majority of those attending courses or travelling to the national parks and other environmentally sensitive areas are relatively well-off , and their parents are using adventure , or at least what is perceived as being adventure , as a kind of finishing school for the modern citizen , without taking the trouble to come to terms with the environment in which this happens .
4 Jo and Tina were chauffeured every day to a small exclusive private school for the cosseted daughters of those Bel Air families who valued high moral standards and hard work more than the pretence of being regular folks .
5 The 36-year-old from Bognor failed to retain his tour status by just Pounds 269 and returned to the European Tour Qualifying School for the fifth time .
6 Last year she had come to his school for the first time , and every eye had turned to gape at her long red hair and golden earrings as she swept into the assembly-hall wearing one of her special dresses .
7 I remember too being taken to school for the first time .
8 One of the boys was Charlie , who 'd bothered to turn up to school for the first time in weeks .
9 It was then that I went to school for the first time , to a Roman Catholic convent in Ealing , not because of my parents ' religious beliefs but because it was thought to be educationally superior to any of the state-run schools in the locality .
10 She was five and a half when she entered school for the first time .
11 After being taken round by a six or seven year old , parents visiting the school for the first time were given the opportunity to talk to me or to one of my colleagues .
12 I was eight when I went to proper boarding school for the first time .
13 He summarizes the kind of attitudes and assumptions towards religion which a majority of children when they arrive in school for the first time will be likely already to have assimilated .
14 The 31-year-old from Malahide near Dublin lies 131st in this season 's money list and if he fails to move into the top 120 in the two months that remain he will have to go to the European tour qualifying school for the first time .
15 It all started sixteen years ago when our children went to school for the first time and we found we had a gap in our lives to fill .
16 A 14 year-old boy or girl , leaving school for the big world outside ( unless academically suited for college and university ) , would be well-equipped to cope with the problems of work and making a living .
17 I sometimes cycled to Bude Grammar School for the short time I was there .
18 The law demanded that they attend school for the few hours they were not in the theatre , but time spent on education was minimal as the pantomime was so popular that there were matinées most days .
19 Light show : Motorists in St Helens can have their headlights tested and corrected at Merseybus in Jackson Street for 50p on Saturday proceeds go to the Liverpool Royal School for the Blind appeal .
20 The proportion of young people staying on at school between the crucial ages of 16 and 19 has always been heavily weighted towards the upper classes .
21 There was considerable debate within this school about the overlapping concepts of motive , determining tendency and set .
22 There is concern within the school about the relative underachievement of pupils — especially amongst the Afro-Caribbean group .
23 This implies a decline in the role of the school as the sole agent of the delivery of education , and the emergence of new organisational entities nourished by partnerships .
24 Four elements of interest and influence need to be weighed against each other , namely the effect of the parent as the educator who is helped by the school , the school as the institutional teacher who is helped by the parent , the school as the manager and decider ( with the parent being kept informed ) and the school itself as the only " real " provider of education .
25 Largely through his patient , persistent advocacy , the government of ( Sir ) Winston Churchill appointed in 1944 the Scarbrough commission , which , on the basis of evidence he submitted and marshalled , recommended a great expansion of the provision in British universities for the study of the languages , history , and cultures of Asia and Africa , and development of the school as the main centre .
26 Mary Leapor , however , would have studied under a man named Richard Cooper who made strenuous efforts to improve the school during the middle years of the century [ Clarke ] .
27 Jeremy started school during the first week in January , and she was glad to see him engrossed in his own school affairs and friendships again .
28 Neil , from Sutton , who had joined the school during the first week of the project ( after causing severe behavioural problems at his previous schools ) commented : ‘ You 've got ta have good questions or they do n't say enough . ’
29 In another context Mao Qing and Mar Molinero ( 1986 ) argue that for school pupils staying on at school after the minimal school leaving age the mid-1970s were the last time that external factors such as high youth unemployment did not influence demand .
30 Editor , — Four groups of doctors suffer particularly from age discrimination during their attempts to move through the hospital training grades to consultant appointments : doctors who qualified abroad , those who entered medical school after the normal age of 18–19 , those who have had prolonged illness , and women .
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