Example sentences of "men [pron] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Some of these men who passed through the Met Office were unforgettable characters .
2 Forty-four-year-old Robin Phelps from Brockweir was one of two men who died after the gantry they were working on collapsed and fell more than a hundred and fifty feet into the Severn in September ( 1990 ) nineteen-ninety .
3 Herbal remedies therefore still remain very important and it is campesina women rather than men who know about the healing properties of local herbs and pass their knowledge down from one generation to the next .
4 Even he did n't consider such deeds heroic ( heroes are usually frightened men who rise to the occasion ) , but saw himself as just a reckless fool whose luck would one day run out .
5 The last of the boxes were being transferred from the back of the truck now , carried by men who sweated under the effort despite the chill wind that had come with the onset of the night .
6 Harsher penalties in particular could help foster a tough , ‘ macho ’ criminal self-image in the young men who predominate in the criminal statistics .
7 Local radio reports said four men and three women , were killed execution-style by two men who came into the club on the outskirts of Fresno and ordered people to lie face down .
8 Eliot describes how working men who went to the music hall to see Marie Lloyd and who joined in the chorus were performing part of the business of acting , collaborating with the artist in a manner essential in all art , most obviously ( for Eliot ) in dramatic art .
9 Every one of those men who went in the forces , who lived to tell the tale , was given their jobs back when they came back , because their jobs were replaced by women during the war , drivers and conductors , they were replaced by women and as the men came back , so the women were paid off , so everybody who came back from the war was given their job back .
10 Kypov had no roof , and the thought carried a first-found peace for Holly , lifted him from the line of men who straggled across the dirt-smeared floor boards .
11 Even among the 3 men who aligned with the UUUC , there was reluctance to identify too closely with it for fear of losing a stratum of middle-class voters more conscious of social status than constitutional complexities .
12 Here the men who streamed into the new ‘ self-improvement ’ associations ( Bildungsvereine ) in the 1860s — there were 1,000 such clubs in 1863 , no less than 2,000 in Bavaria alone by 1872 — rapidly drifted away from the middle-class liberalism of these bodies , though perhaps not sufficiently from the middle-class culture they inculcated .
13 The men who lived at the graphite pits in 1898 — 9 were the same persons who would be likely to get up in the middle of the night to help take stolen cattle five kilometres to the next relay team , thereby earning a little money and easing the tedium of village life .
14 The men who come to the colonies from France are not always of the best quality .
15 Yes , Lynn , I left the theatre because I was tired of the life , and because I was tired of men — well , the men who come to the theatre .
16 IN THE world of pharmaceuticals it is not only marketing men who go for the hard sell .
17 Many men who obtained small posts as excisemen were not themselves members of a burgh council , but it would be unusual to find revenue officers in Scottish towns without close political links with men who mattered in the politics of burgh or county .
18 The cultivation of creativity is the most important requirement of men who aspire to the highest reaches of the transcendent world .
19 The demonstrators want Britain to apologize for the executions of nine men who fought for the island 's independence in the fifties .
20 She had met John briefly on Friday night and he told her that someone had told him that men who fought with the International Brigade would not be accepted in the Forces .
21 However in all fairness to the Halling unit a number of those older men who fought in the first war wore medals for gallantry , and were to show us youngsters that they had lost none of their skills with a rifle .
22 Out of the eight men who fell in the fight , only three still breathed .
23 She was afraid that one of the men who hung around the London termini waiting for girls arriving from the provinces would come up and offer to carry the case for her .
24 Even higher losses could be expected among men who responded to the lure of privateering , or whose ship took out a letter of marque .
25 Black men and white men who care for the country , and for their children 's future , are working at it .
26 Their heroes reflect their psychological needs ; disappointed by the weak father , they not only look for a strong one but try to identify with men who fulfil at the same time infantile and sadistic fantasies , such as Che Guevara or Mao Tsetung …
27 Helmets of the kind worn by the men who marched to the Holy Land with Richard .
28 Moreover , from an additional 90 homosexual men who seroconverted between the start of the homosexual cohort in October 1984 and the start of the present study in April 1989 , none suffered from pneumonia in the six months before seroconversion .
29 From this cohort we selected homosexual men who seroconverted in the same study period as the drug users who seroconverted .
30 However , we have looked at the men who operate outside the Premier 's direct influence , at the men whose phone calls no one ever puts on hold .
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