Example sentences of "took him [adv prt] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 Burney took him over to the grey slab in the middle of the room .
2 Mr Jarvis grinned and , as she picked up the squirrel and took him over to the recovery cage , he followed and stood watching as she settled her patient down .
3 ‘ I felt that as soon as I took over Gary had it in his mind that he was n't looking to play for England beyond the two years which took him up to the European Championships , ’ he said .
4 They struggled up the steps , through the entrance hall , rested in the main hall , then took him up to the first floor .
5 The first young patrolman , PC Bartholomew , took him up to the bedroom , where he checked the body 's pulse at wrist and neck , took its temperature and the temperature of the room .
6 He asked me where a ladder like that could be found , and I took him round to the one that hangs on the side of the potting shed .
7 He attended without wavering as she took him round to the head of the little dale , above the cottage , pointing out the hare 's field below them as they went .
8 I got hold of him by the scruff of the neck and took him along to the police box and rang up for the wagon .
9 We decided it was time to do something about that , so we took him along to the vet .
10 Suddenly he was crying too , deep racking sobs that took him back to a night long ago , soon after his father was killed .
11 Cramer took him back to the moment he left the flat .
12 That took him back to the ‘ Nam , where he had joined up with the Summoner and later fought with the VC against the Ivans .
13 In the latest they were called to the home of a man in his early 20s in Frenchgate , Richmond , but found they needed more equipment so took him back to the Richmond Fire Station and released the cuffs with a hacksaw and vice .
14 The police considered this and took him down to the station — for tea and sticky buns .
15 ‘ Do you disapprove of us , my angel ? ’ she asked , exalted by wine and overbearing , and took him down to the kitchen to give him some of the leftover chicken .
16 He even took him down to the cellars to see the lights and the point for a plug there .
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