Example sentences of "took he [adv prt] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Burney took him over to the grey slab in the middle of the room .
2 Mr Jarvis grinned and , as she picked up the squirrel and took him over to the recovery cage , he followed and stood watching as she settled her patient down .
3 Doug took him over in the week to look Mark 's but I mean they 're beautiful suits
4 Could it be that someone took him up on the extravagant wagers he offered constantly during the election and that he 's been forced to three ball his monkey suit to meet his gambling debts ? and then there was the letter in Saturday 's Darlington and Stockton Times from stop-at-home Nick ThorneWallis , Labour chairman of Darlington council 's transport committee .
5 ‘ I felt that as soon as I took over Gary had it in his mind that he was n't looking to play for England beyond the two years which took him up to the European Championships , ’ he said .
6 They struggled up the steps , through the entrance hall , rested in the main hall , then took him up to the first floor .
7 The first young patrolman , PC Bartholomew , took him up to the bedroom , where he checked the body 's pulse at wrist and neck , took its temperature and the temperature of the room .
8 We took him on after the war , when we were a bit short-handed .
9 He asked me where a ladder like that could be found , and I took him round to the one that hangs on the side of the potting shed .
10 He attended without wavering as she took him round to the head of the little dale , above the cottage , pointing out the hare 's field below them as they went .
11 He watched her hurry away from him as though she was terrified he was going to say more , and then the sounds of his orchestra tuning up took him through into the pit .
12 I got hold of him by the scruff of the neck and took him along to the police box and rang up for the wagon .
13 We decided it was time to do something about that , so we took him along to the vet .
14 I took him out into the garden .
15 Another series of lunges took him out of the central current and somehow he managed to regain his feet .
16 Otago made a brave challenge , led by Mike Brewer in his first appearance since a series of injuries took him out of the All Black tour of Australia .
17 It held together with the engine , the rest of the fuselage separating which took him out of the major part of the fire .
18 And do n't forget , Joe was with me , and you know how careful he is. lee was at the party and one of the maids told me that she took him out of the party and spoke to him for a few minutes .
19 ‘ One of our sergeants took him out of the river about six o'clock this morning , a mile and a half downstream from here .
20 Tom kept more erratic hours and the nature of his job often took him out of the office .
21 But the sight of the glass took him back into the past again , the past which he believed he had exorcised but was now fetched back in fragments and longer scenarios by every possible association .
22 Cramer took him back to the moment he left the flat .
23 That took him back to the ‘ Nam , where he had joined up with the Summoner and later fought with the VC against the Ivans .
24 In the latest they were called to the home of a man in his early 20s in Frenchgate , Richmond , but found they needed more equipment so took him back to the Richmond Fire Station and released the cuffs with a hacksaw and vice .
25 The police considered this and took him down to the station — for tea and sticky buns .
26 ‘ Do you disapprove of us , my angel ? ’ she asked , exalted by wine and overbearing , and took him down to the kitchen to give him some of the leftover chicken .
27 He even took him down to the cellars to see the lights and the point for a plug there .
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