Example sentences of "took [pers pn] back [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Margot is always splendid on these occasions ; she took me back to the house and covered me with ice and raw beef : but in spite of all I am a most revolting sight today and shall be for a week or more — lame in one leg , blind in one eye , and with a nose like Cyrano …
2 As I drove into the guide dog training centre at Leamington Spa it took me back to the day I arrived there to start my apprenticeship as a guide dog mobility instructor .
3 He took me back to the past and showed me the future .
4 Joe recalls : ‘ When it was all over they took me back to the room , chained me up , and that was the very last I ever heard of it .
5 The Men came for me where I huddled in the marram grass and they took me back to the low cage .
6 Finally a soldier arrived and took me back to the Star Room .
7 He took me back to the house and the other one was inside .
8 He took me back to the house and the other one was inside .
9 mother took me back by the hair
10 X-rays were taken there and then and resisting the temptation to open the package , I took them back to the consulting room .
11 ‘ They took them back to the barracks in the Bazaar .
12 He paid for the drinks and took them back to the others .
13 I could not find a piece big enough , so I bought two smaller pieces and took them back to the dacha .
14 But the sight of the glass took him back into the past again , the past which he believed he had exorcised but was now fetched back in fragments and longer scenarios by every possible association .
15 Cramer took him back to the moment he left the flat .
16 That took him back to the ‘ Nam , where he had joined up with the Summoner and later fought with the VC against the Ivans .
17 In the latest they were called to the home of a man in his early 20s in Frenchgate , Richmond , but found they needed more equipment so took him back to the Richmond Fire Station and released the cuffs with a hacksaw and vice .
18 Seeing Perdita beginning to wilt , Luke took her back to the house .
19 A louder shout than usual took her back to the ring .
20 Her mummy , drawn by the noise , ran out of the tent , and seeing what had happened put her arms round her to comfort her and took her back into the tent .
21 Later , in 1965 , Elvis Presley remembered the ditty and took it back up the charts .
22 Then I laid a paler colour into the gaps left for the highlights and took it back over the previous work as well to unify the colour .
23 He gathered up the blossom and took it back into the house .
24 She bought some and took it back for the baby , dipping her finger in for the mite to suck .
25 Then , the following night , half-way through a political thriller , he became so restless that he rewound the tape and took it back to the shop ; but the shop was closed .
26 As it was still under guarantee , he took it back to the shop and a month later was told it had been repaired .
27 Then he filled his cheap vacuum flask and took it back to the car where it completed a meal of dry crusty bread and cheese .
28 I broke the lock and took it back to the shop in La Jolla .
29 I gritted my teeth and picked the warm remnant up , took it back to the Grounds and flung it into them from the top of the bank .
30 The theory is that the type of population mixing which took place on oil installations spread that agent among oil workers who then took it back to the areas in which they lived .
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