Example sentences of "often in the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It 's not very often in the history of tennis you see a seventeen year old try that on centre court in the French Open . ’
2 Sometimes xerolas ( vegetables and/or fruits , often in the shape of a gigantic ball and strung on a pole which is carried on the shoulders of two men ) are carried in the procession .
3 Perhaps because such a high proportion of bank or other loans are devoted to car-buying , they turned up less often than other types of credit as a means of financing things bought from shops — much less often in the case of shop chains .
4 They are placed in public spaces often in the centre of villages , to commemorate the brave local people who fought and died in the First and Second World Wars .
5 It happens in the musical world that conductors sometimes rely on their performers to do their work for them ; it is currently happening rather too often in the field of ‘ early music ’ .
6 Precisely the same has happened all too often in the relationship between the theologian and the philosopher .
7 The major difference between new and older housing areas is often in the relationship to traffic arteries and in the organisation of traffic .
8 And even street vendors are often in the hold of middle-persons who are also their creditors .
9 Such reports suggest , often in the choice of vocabulary as much as in overt statement , that classrooms and football grounds are the settings for scenes of anarchy and disorder .
10 This is why many Georgian and Victorian houses are out on their own , whereas William and Mary and Queen Anne houses are often in the middle of villages , where the original manor had always stood .
11 Unfortunately , I get little warning when they become exhausted — the set simply dies ( often in the middle of a transmission ) . ’
12 Competition among ruwatu between communities is usually expressed through the accusations of sorcery attack , often in the wake of marriages which shift the residential alignments within the territory , and thus respective follower size .
13 Often in the prime of their lives .
14 In fact Andrew showed considerably more affection for our mutual and pretty little friend Mary McLeod , and he was often in the company of a blond and beautiful girl , the glamorous Gloria , who looked better in a bikini on the Windrush verandah , it must be confessed , than many another .
15 George you may have seen in a wine bar , often in the company of younger lawyers ; or at the theatre , with a blonde ; or on the steps of the Garrick , with or without a blonde .
16 Seldom do they spend successive winters in the same place , but follow the beech mast supply , often in the company of chaffinches .
17 For Sue Small , on the other hand , he was an ‘ obnoxious bastard ’ ; for Robins ‘ a small time Trinidadian criminal with a machete often in the back of his trousers ’ .
18 And Canguilhem 's analysis of the power relations of psychology , which I draw on often in the course of this book , is more valuable for feminist psychology than some narrower , more science-based accounts of the discipline written by women .
19 How terrible it was to have those easy phrases , trotted out so often in the course of gossip , or heart-to-hearts , or in magazine articles , or even court cases , become so real .
20 ‘ How often in the course of driving a car , taking a walk , or some routine activity , do you ‘ wake up ’ to discover that , for the moment at least , you have no recollection of the places you have just passed through or the things you have just done ? ’
21 The Council , often in the presence of the King , debated and decided important matters of policy .
22 What seems to be a regular feature , however , is that a leading élite , often in the name of the culture of one dominant ethnic group within a state , will peddle its own notion of homogeneity .
23 However , in his time in Egypt , and before that in India , he had met many men of real devotion who yet had done the most terrible things , often in the name of the religion they served .
24 The county court , often in the person of the chief clerk , will arrange for the debtor to attend for an oral examination as to his means , The debtor 's answers are recorded and signed , becoming the basis of a realistic payment order by instalments in many cases .
25 These people construct their own hierarchies of taste , quite often in the hope of intoxicating us or invading our sensibilities with a violent shock of colour .
26 Mirrors appear often in the poetry of women in the eighteenth century .
27 The dazzling , witty and terrifyingly chic MADAME ARIANE DONDOIS brings her superb taste to play most often in the arena of serious antiques .
28 One fact that contradicts it immediately is that women are often in the vanguard of linguistic change towards the standard variety .
29 Over the long term we can detect three broad tendencies : the conservative , authoritarian often expressed in the actions of social morality campaigns ; the liberal often in the vanguard of reforming activity ; and the radical , libertarian ; the first asserting the importance of absolute moral standards ; the second by and large seeking relaxation within a traditional framework of family values ; and the third advocating a transformation of values .
30 Oh often in the summer in Dartfield and myself and one or two others go , you know
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