Example sentences of "often be [verb] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Of course Red Indian ( Native American ) women have often been kissed in movies by cowboys and soldiers , but how do we think a six-foot-three-inch Masai , almost naked , kissing a French woman will play ?
2 The low-lying meadows , the Whistles , now skirted by Victoria Avenue , have often been flooded in winter .
3 This question has often been answered with artists ' impressions , but never with direct measurements .
4 This system of racial stratification has often been explained in terms of the supposed genetically based inferiority of blacks .
5 The movements themselves are quite poetic and have often been likened to clouds floating in the sky .
6 This has been the case particularly for Marxist and neo-Marxist sociologists , since the growth of the middle class has often been cited as evidence against Marx 's theory .
7 In order to cope with these problems , the ideas of Max Weber have often been employed in addition to , or instead of , those of Marx , and we will examine Weber 's approach shortly .
8 The relationship of the squatters to urban populations has often been expressed in terms of marginality .
9 The decline of the Anglican Church as a purveyor of religion has often been seen by historians as related to the rise of Methodism , while positive aspects have hardly been noted .
10 Pattern recognition techniques that have most often been applied to script include spatial analysis methods ( where strokes are coded by a numbering system on a grid ) which are easy to implement but are only suitable for unconnected characters , and will be user dependent in order to keep the database of character codings small and accuracy high .
11 Other popular movements of protest and reform have often been met by violence — for example , the civil rights movement of the 1960s in the US , and on a larger scale the diverse movements in Eastern Europe , as well as in many parts of the Third World , which have been suppressed by military force .
12 Sociolinguists who present their data using the simple graphs and frequency tables popularized by Labov in his early work have often been criticized for lack of statistical sophistication .
13 Measures taken by individual governments have often been limited in scope , have been poorly funded and afforded relatively low priority in national affairs .
14 This difficulty in distinguishing the cognitive style of the highly creative from that of the psychotic has also often been noted by others .
15 A general bias in favour of spouses who come from nearby — both spatially and socially — has often been noted by anthropologists ( Fortes , 1962 ) .
16 In other words , the title ‘ key settlement policy ’ has often been lent to programmes devised only on very narrow cost or administrative criteria .
17 This idea has often been ridiculed by anthropologists who point out that there is no record or suggestion that there ever was , or ever could be , a stage of total sharing and total freedom of access by everybody at any time to anything .
18 The table of the Nations in Genesis 10 reminds us of the map of Anaximander ; the Book of Job , probably an exilic work , has often been compared with Aeschylus ' Prometheus .
19 For example , schools can ask Compact companies to provide Work Experience placements and classroom resources which will challenge gender stereotyping with relation to vocational opportunities ; young women have often been placed in engineering or construction companies , while young men have been placed in work which has traditionally been associated with young women .
20 Organic models of nature had often been sustained by analogies between microcosm and macrocosm , between man as an organism and the rest of creation .
21 Allegations that Mr Gandhi or members of his family received large sums have often been heard on opposition hustings , but not a shred of evidence exists that his hands dipped anywhere near the till .
22 In the modern world , democracy has often been perceived by liberals as a threat or potential threat to individual freedom , and there have been many warnings about the tyranny of the majority and the tyranny of public opinion .
23 Although the peasantry have not often been prompted to rebellion , they have played a major role in a national revolution in two Latin American countries , Mexico and Cuba .
24 Karajan ( DG ) has often been taken to task from making an adagio meal of Shostakovich 's andante here , but Flor turns it into a snail 's banquet ( beautiful Concertgebouw wind playing notwithstanding ) .
25 However , such favoured treatment has often been restricted to individuals from tribes linked to the government of the day .
26 Part of the misconception arose because the bones of early humans have often been found with bones of other animals , and it was simplistically assumed that this showed that they had killed and eaten other animals , and had later died amid the remains of previous meals .
27 The sternest critics of religion have often been found within religions .
28 On the other hand , discrepancies between intracellular cGMP values and guanylate cyclase activity in broken cells have often been found in response to hormones and other biologically active substances .
29 I have acted for your great-uncle for more than twenty years now , and have often been left in charge of his affairs during his long absences abroad , on digs all over Europe and North Africa and the Middle East , everywhere that the Roman and Graeco-Roman power extended .
30 Detainees have often been held for weeks or months without access to defence lawyers before being brought to trial on charges such as rebellion , illegal association and ‘ enemy propaganda ’ ( a charge brought against those accused of producing , distributing or possessing any information regarded as subversive by the authorities ) .
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