Example sentences of "often [verb] to [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Students in schools are too often exposed to 19th century technology ( paper-bound administration systems , blackboards and chalk ) yet in their homes many have learnt to become competent in the technologies of the 20th century .
2 As undergraduates they are often exposed to uninspired lecturing from academics , and subsequently many struggle to assimilate the minutiae of medicine in the ( false ) belief that this will ensure an easy passage through the membership examination .
3 Health professionals and social workers all have closely demarcated responsibilities which are impressed on them during training and they often bring to mental health services traditional attitudes and approaches which can act as a brake on the development of new ways of doing things .
4 Either men or women may be homosexual : the term " lesbianism " is often given to female homosexuality .
5 However , in practice insufficient weight is often given to this aspect of a recruitment policy , so that a firm committed to an internal promotion policy will have to make do with available talent for future promotions .
6 Alexander often referred to this condition as the ‘ mind-wandering habit ’ which will often lead us to use our bodies in a very uncoordinated way , without even realizing it .
7 Henceforth each successive royal election provoked party conflicts and personal intrigues which often led to civil war , as well as pressure and even forcible intervention from abroad on behalf of competing candidates .
8 Paradoxically , attending courses at the Civil Service College often led to more dissatisfaction when contrasted with the reality of civil service life .
9 Love was strange , as Athelstan kept reminding him , and opposites were often attracted to each other .
10 We are often attracted to another person by their physical appearance and sometimes by their ideas , opinions and goals .
11 It is appropriate enough in that country where skiing is often confined to one side of the mountain and if you go over the back you must have special permission and be accompanied by a guide .
12 Jaq often prayed to this bas-relief .
13 When the Japanese counter-attacked on other occasions they made a great hullabaloo , often shouting to each other as they came forward .
14 Although early progress in study of environmental perception often related to socioeconomic geography such as the attitudes of farmers to the drought hazard on the Great Plains ( Saarinen , 1966 ) , later research concentrated more upon the physical environment and the fascinating evaluation of myth and reality in the context of a volcanic eruption in Papua New Guinea ( Blong , 1982 ) has already been referred to .
15 Diseases of the liver and digestive system , motor vehicle accidents , accidents in the home and mental disorders are all commonly related to alcohol , and drinking also impinges powerfully on the work of social services , where child abuse is often related to parental drinking , and on the work of police and probation services .
16 Though she wants to work and often plans to after marriage … her home and children always come first .
17 Each contributed much , but they did not often speak to each other , and indeed almost literally could not speak to each other .
18 The concept of a loss leader is often applied to internal price differentials .
19 Provision for synthesis often leads to long notation , for two reasons .
20 this can sometimes cause problems , for an over-night change in mood often leads to total dissatisfaction with the previous day 's work .
21 Physical strain often leads to mental stress so the company 's eliminated some awkward repetitive tasks .
22 They decided to forget all current trends ( such young band paranoia , the decision to trend hop , often leads to directionless confusion anyway ) and concentrate on keeping their music within the reach of their collective ability .
23 This often leads to each sailor offering the other useful and constructive criticism about his windsurfing .
24 For those who already have a settled partner , home and children , says Sheehy , the runway to 30 often leads to first infidelity .
25 The fact that disruptive behaviour often leads to considerable stress , anxiety and absenteeism suggests that it is all the more important that schools tackle the issue with more clarity and imagination .
26 The reciprocal is also true ; interaction in one sphere of activity often leads to shared activity in unrelated spheres .
27 This conservatism , however , often leads to conscious revolt , by artists with different purposes , who then either confuse or even omit the known signals .
28 One of the most fascinating and well known symbiotic relationships , often used to great advantage in the aquarium , is the association between clownfish and their host anemones .
29 Ironically , Leeds failed partly because they adopted a tactic so often attributed to Scottish football , the aimless high ball .
30 He had tried experimentally and not without success in the past , but was needed more often to revert to orthodox seam .
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