Example sentences of "both as [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Sun is pushing the ISDN interface both as a personal productivity tool and as the basis for more complex voice processing and computer integrated telephony applications .
2 Secondly , the firm prided itself on speed and efficiency , both as a profitable practice in itself , and as a means of building up a reputation with estate agents .
3 In his public statements on the dispute Lal portrayed it both as a factional struggle , between himself and members of Janata Dal who had come from the Prime Minister 's Jan Morcha group , and as a conflict between urban politicians and a representative of rural India .
4 Almost inevitably , the press sought out the centres of political and economic power both as a major definer of the social and political terrain and as a source of information .
5 The very unfamiliarity , now , of the language and concepts of Christianity makes it possible to present these anew both as a moral ideal and an attitude to humanity and the capacities of humanity .
6 The ICCD , led by Professor Oreste Ferrari , greatly enhanced the depth and seriousness of cataloguing , which now functions both as a scholarly enterprise and as a means of protecting the country 's heritage in case of damage ( by war , vandalism , earthquake and other natural disasters ) ; decay ( by neglect or pollution ) ; and loss ( by theft or illegal export ) .
7 The visible link with the past that old buildings give is important both as a fascinating insight into history and as an expression of the relative permanence of civilized society .
8 The struggles over the Contagious Diseases Acts need to be read both as a feminist challenge to male power and as a battle within the power bloc over the disciplining of the working-class .
9 When the site became available , the University took the opportunity to purchase the long lease for development , both as a public amenity and as accommodation for the Departments of Art History and Music .
10 Some of what I have to say does in fact apply to literature generally , but much of it is specific to the novel , the literary form in which I am most interested , both as a literary critic and as a practising writer .
11 In 1983 the company purchased the Palace Theatre in London for £12.3 million , both as a commercial theatre , and as a base for the organisation although a new company headquarters in the West End has recently been purchased for £3.3 million .
12 Trouble in school is conceived by the pupils who take part in it both as a natural reaction to being in a classroom confronted by a teacher , and as a specific response to particular offences on the part of the teacher .
13 I gave myself to him completely , both as a human being and as an artist .
14 Since 1946 the United Nations Educational , Scientific and Cultural Organization ( UNESCO ) has been promoting literacy ‘ both as a human right and as an instrument of liberation and development ’ .
15 Marx was thus concerned with bureaucracy both as a social formation and as a source of inefficient public service .
16 ‘ Other firms in other parts of the country have tried this and have found it successful both as a social event and as a promotion . ’
17 Both as a conscious decision , because of the business we do er need to be known around the area .
18 Simon 's burgeoning career at the Medical Office in the 1860s coincided with the consolidation of the status of the medical profession , both as a privileged domain of expertise and as a distinctive cultural grouping within the middle-class .
19 The relationship between the size of a dowry and status makes the dowry system easily adaptable to a class society , which means that as the economies of the villages move unevenly towards capitalism the dowry system remains of vital significance both as an essential accompaniment to and a reflection of this change .
20 Peter Burridge had captained Millwall to a 4th Division promotion in 1962 and had thereby brought himself very much to the attention of Palace 's astute managerial team of Arthur Rowe and Dick Graham , both as an inspirational skipper and as a regular scorer of important goals .
21 In addition , many of them can be tied into Personal Construct Theory in a way that allows its associated Repertory Grid Technique to be used both as an investigatory tool and as a means whereby the perception of art might be enhanced .
22 Artists such as Jill Smith and Bruce Lacey have developed the idea of performance at sacred sites both as an artistic expression and also as a form of ritual whereby the artist may be inspired to receive insights into the original purposes behind sacred sites .
23 A third , more general topic , is an assessment of Lord Balogh 's impact on economic policy both as an unofficial adviser to the Labour Party in the immediate postwar years and as an official adviser in the 1960s .
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