Example sentences of "both of [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It was , in fact , a double discovery , both of a new microbe and of an agent which destroyed it .
2 1967–8 saw the merger of the EEC , Euratom and ECSC , and the achievement both of a full customs union and CAP , but these represented the fulfilment of past agreements rather than new departures .
3 It often consisted both of a main line and of branch families .
4 This is true both of the mutual exchange of rights and obligations by the parties and of provisions intended to bind third parties .
5 The three equations taken together embody both of the major predictions outlined in the rational expectations macroeconomic model developed in chapter 4 .
6 ( 10.45 ) By a comparison with ( 10.37 ) and ( 10.19 ) , this can be seen to be a generalization both of the above Ferrari Ibañez solution and also of the Szekeres class of solutions described in Chapter 9 .
7 Korea … is a symbol to the watching world both of the East-West struggle for influence and power and of American sincerity in sponsoring the nationalistic aims of Asiatic peoples .
8 With rising prices the cost of maintaining a prosperous style of life also rose , and the growth both of the Labour party and of the trade unions perhaps destroyed hopes that charity could put an end to social and political divisions .
9 Again it is to the Gregorian Reform movement that the development both of the papal curia ( comparable with the monarchical courts ) and of the papal treasury , or chamber , is due .
10 By asking what conditions would have obtained if particular individuals had behaved differently , they have aimed to give a clearer analysis both of the defining characteristics of holism , and of its relations to individualism .
11 He sees consciousness as a more subtle form of matter and movement and the source of what we perceive both of the external world and of ourselves , our so-called inner processes lying in the non-manifest , pre-physical realm .
12 All this may throw light as well on the diachronic evolution both of the non-past indicative and of the infinitive .
13 This was in recognition both of the 40th anniversary of his debut with the company and of the strenuous part he has played in bringing to fruition this ambitious project .
14 The eurobond market is a key component both of the international capital markets per se and of the financial activity of the City of London .
15 The Tangut King was enraged and ordered the execution both of the false monk and his own Chief Strategist .
16 For integration to be achieved it is important that the concept of teacher placement is introduced into the early years of teaching , as part both of the initial training and as induction into the local business community in the first teaching post .
17 Similarly , Mosca develops the concept of a political class , made up of organised minorities who occupy an intermediary position between the ruling class and the majority , which is clearly a precursor both of the functional elites of Keller and Aron and of the pluralistic elites who make up Dahl 's polyarchy .
18 Both classification schemes and alphabetical indexing languages fulfil both of the basic objectives of a subject device .
19 Bush also unveiled an " action plan " , on Aug. 30 , through which affluent European , Asian and Gulf countries would share the cost both of the military intervention and of a prolonged blockade of Iraq .
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