Example sentences of "both by the [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Although many people returned to work and there were fewer strikes , the high level of violence continued , killings and massacres being perpetrated in the central and southern parts of the island both by the JVP and by pro-government vigilante forces and the Army .
2 The jobs questions can also be tackled from the other end : by negotiating more flexibility over the short term contracts provided both by the university and by outside research sponsorships .
3 A number of definitions have been used both by the institutions and by researchers .
4 Although addressing a different problem , Ruttan ( 1982 ) along with Boserup ( 1981 ) both put forward the idea of ‘ induced innovation ’ as the means by which research and development of agricultural technology is directed to address appropriate problems both by the state and farmers themselves .
5 The choice of research topic is not made in a vacuum , but is influenced both by the researcher and by the context in which the research is to be done .
6 The Labour Party course has been deliberately misrepresented both by the government and by much of the press .
7 More far-reaching proposals were made both by the Majority and Minority Reports of the Royal Commission on the Poor Laws , both much influenced by William Beveridge 's analysis of the causes of unemployment .
8 Although evaluation is a complex issue , it is important in considering future development to ascertain whether day care is fulfilling its objectives as perceived both by the providers and also by the consumers of services .
9 Is it only the additional or marginal cost to the employer providing the service for the employee , or is it a proportionate part of the total costs incurred by the employer in providing the facility to be used both by the public and by the employee ?
10 So the principal is supported both by the members and by the public .
11 However , the inclusion of an explanation or justification of a clause may increase the chances of the clause being regarded as reasonable , both by the court and by the other party to the contract .
12 In this , the companies were aided and abetted both by the dislocating and isolating processes that impinged on the people who came to their villages and by the key agents in both pits and communities ( the buttymen and the Spencer group ) who contrived a particular mixture of deference , self-interest and non-political association in the locally-constructed significant reality of the working people .
13 As a consequence of this concept of an historical construction of sexuality , a third point of contact lies in the rejection , both by the interactionists and Foucault , of the notion that the history of sexuality — especially in the nineteenth century — can fruitfully be seen in terms of ‘ repression ’ .
14 McElroy argues that as an ice sheet advance begins ( for reasons unconnected with the carbon dioxide ‘ budget ’ ) there is increased erosion both by the glaciers and by water running on the continents into the falling seas .
15 But the threat of libel proceedings is seen as a deterrent both by the individual and also by large organisations , even the press .
16 Here the paintings of Futurists such as Boccioni 's ‘ Riot ’ in the gallery and Russolo 's ‘ Revolt ’ are recalled both by the subject and the organisation of forms which implies a melée but which is itself carefully constructed .
17 The fact that Bunn had both the guarantee and the charge drawn up and executed both by the husband and himself on Friday , 23 July , and his evidence that the wife 's attendance on the Monday was , so far as he was concerned , a mere formality , shows that all that remained was to get the wife 's signature in accordance with bank policy .
18 The effectiveness of the Labour Spain Committee was impaired both by the fact that it was was associated with the movement in the constituency Labour parties and also because it was effectively advocating a a popular front against fascism , which the Labour Party continued to reject throughout the 1930s ; after the political disasters of 1931 it wanted no treating with its political enemies whether of the left or the right .
19 Such downgraded land will still have to be pumped and embanked , since it will have dropped even further below sea-level , a situation worsened both by the fact that , due to the tilt of the land , eastern England is steadily falling in relation to the level of the North Sea , and by a possible rise in sea-level due to the greenhouse effect .
20 The discourse analyst , then , is interested in the function or purpose of a piece of linguistic data and also in how that data is processed , both by the producer and by the receiver .
21 A slightly more complex form of the crime short story , and one which can pay considerable dividends in reader enjoyment , is what one might call the plain puzzle story with a solution coming from cunning detective work , both by the sleuth and the reader .
22 The answer to the first part of the question is that communication problems can be caused both by the sender and the receiver , but if you are frequently misinterpreted you may need to think about the message and the manner in which it is being transmitted .
23 Very many different languages are spoken , both by the community and by their visitors who come from all over the world , and Latin provides a lingua franca .
24 Nevertheless , it is clear that the Nazarean Party in Jerusalem was considered subversive , both by the Romans and by the official Sadducee establishment , for it was quickly in trouble with the authorities .
25 The merger was welcomed both by the DES and the CNAA who praised it as being a model of its kind .
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