Example sentences of "both to [art] [noun pl] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The Book of Kings and Chronicles , several passages in which are echoed in the dictum , were of great assistance both to the bishops and to the kings ; and anyone who wishes to understand medieval kingship should study these books very closely .
2 This applies both to the boys and the girls , the latter up until recently giving us the best prospects for success .
3 In discussing pre-war crime , we must be faithful both to the continuities and also to the sometime surprising ‘ permissiveness ’ of the interwar years .
4 They said in a statement : ‘ That dispute was referred by our client to professional advisers acting on his behalf who negotiated a settlement with the builders which was acceptable both to the builders and to our client . ’
5 The Chest , Heart and Stroke Association ( address on page 145 ) has counsellors who can give advice both to the patients and to the person caring for them .
6 Discipline , therefore , tended to be stricter for manual workers than for staff , immediate penalties more severe , and the amount of discretion allowed both to the employees and their supervisors much more limited .
7 In contrast , in the USA the development of large-scale steel production both weakened the craft basis of unionism and correspondingly enhanced the power of individual firms in relation both to the unions and product market .
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