Example sentences of "both [adj] [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The evidence reviewed above , albeit inconsistent , concerning the influence of familial sinistrality on both lateral asymmetry in perception and the effects of brain damage , suggests the possible role of genetic factors in determining speech lateralisation .
2 For a large lexicon it is necessary to use a storage technique for the lexicon that allows both rapid search for information and compact storage of the information .
3 In some of the above categories the present Publication Officer functions alone and covers both in-house production of information ( with the IT at her disposal ) and organises external production ( through HMSO and printers ) of publications .
4 Currently the Publication Officer functions alone and covers both in-house production of information ( with the IT at her disposal ) and organises external production ( through HMSO and printers ) of publications .
5 Both Primary Education in English and the APU Language Performance in Schools ( Report I ) stress that in many areas ( spoken word , drama , individualised reading ) performance must be improved for ‘ language is our principal means of making sense of our experience and communicating it with others ’ .
6 This Stanislavskian approach requires both considerable sensitivity of feeling and technique .
7 Japan and Norway are both continuing research into wave power , and renewable energy campaigners believe that wave power could still be a major UK power contribution if research was encouraged and subsidised by the Government .
8 I- The library can serve an educational role by the simple provision of books and learning resources , providing both immediate access to knowledge and practice in the use of knowledge sources , for instance practice in reading .
9 Their mothers and their partners ' mothers play a particularly important part in this informal economy of care , providing both practical help with child care and material support , typically in kind rather than cash .
10 They continued to provide both practical help with job hunting and emotional support until people were placed , staying with them for up to a year afterwards when this was necessary .
11 AD 675 , a shortage of gold forced a change to silver coins ( sceattas ) and their frequency in Kent points to both Kentish supremacy in exchange and , perhaps , the direction in which commerce was moving when the change was necessary .
12 But over time a certain common rationality is imposed , as ‘ capital ’ seeks both maximum control over labour power and its progressive cheapening .
13 Presently available nuclear power comes from the ‘ fissioning ’ , breaking up , of the atomic nuclei of heavy elements such as uranium and plutonium and has as byproducts both desirable release of energy and unwanted nasty radioactive contaminants .
14 These centres provided both pre-shopping advice on quality , fitness and ‘ value for money ’ and a complaints service for disgruntled consumers .
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