Example sentences of "much more [adv] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Today , it seems , domestic development is much more effectively promoted by integration in a world economy : accepting foreign capital into the domestic economy , with production specialized for a world market ( and relying upon imports ) .
2 Taking a steady look at it , thought Nelly to herself , easing off her shoes for greater comfort , it was n't such a bad little house , and certainly very much more conveniently placed for shopping than her own cottage at Lulling Woods .
3 This is by far the commonest cavity for lasers in general , but has major drawbacks from a theoretical standpoint : the standing-wave pattern greatly complicates the atomic response and can also lead to multimode operation , and time and space are much more intimately mixed in the feedback process .
4 In the school system , curricular changes were introduced gradually , but the goal was to make education not only more relevant to everyday life but much more closely tied to the world of work .
5 It is generally true that the kadi was a more " secular " figure than the mufti if only because he was much more closely tied to the state organization than was the mufti .
6 It was compatible also in that its procedures were much more closely aligned to historical scholarship than to critical evaluation , while at the same time enabling engagement in detailed analyses of literary language .
7 The subject-matter is much more closely related to the actual business of judicial decision-making and so to the ideology and practice of particular systems of civil procedure .
8 Alternatively , changes to p53 and DCC may be much more closely related to malignant behaviour than c-ki-ras or c-myc activation .
9 The wealthy nations are going to be better able to use and organise information , whose value will be very much more closely linked to the value of goods .
10 Outcome in early treated subjects with phenylketonuria is not as good as was thought just a few years ago and is much more closely associated with the quality of blood phenylalanine control at all ages than previously recognised .
11 Much more closely associated with the state than was the case in the Christian churches that owed their allegiance to Rome , Russian Orthodoxy helped to promote both a more communitarian form of politics and a feeling that Russians were a ‘ special people ’ with a particular destiny to fulfil in terms of world civilisation .
12 He promised an end to serfdom , reform of landholdings and an extension of the suffrage , a programme which in turn alienated an important part of the Magyar gentry and rendered them much more favourably disposed to suspending national demands in favour of outside intervention to protect existing social relationships .
13 One important distinction between the two writers is that Bentham became much more favourably disposed towards the prison as a medium of criminal reformation than Beccaria appeared to be ( a point to which I shall return later ) .
14 The woman is much more emotionally exposed to the disappointments and false dawns .
15 Interest in rock music is much more wide spread among both listeners and performers than ever before .
16 But they were very much more strongly opposed to him than were many orthodox Christians .
17 Historical evidence shows that the so-called " present " tense could formerly be used much more freely to refer to the future than is now the case .
18 The same ambiguity is much more richly exploited in Estula , a robbers ' tale , again turning on the verbal confusion between Estula , the extraordinary name of a dog , and es tu la ? , " are you there ? "
19 Redford is much more richly represented in Mulliner 's book than anyone else , with Thomas Tallis ( c. 1505–1585 ) as the next and a younger man , William Blitheman ( c. 1525–1591 ) , third .
20 This is unfortunate as Ac-ASA is a much more stable compound that 5-ASA and could therefore be much more easily prepared for widespread commercial use .
21 The extent and timing of these cements and their relationship to compaction and tectonic events , such as extension veining , is much more easily appreciated under CL than with transmitted light microscopy .
22 I do n't see the support of victims of crime as a separate service provided by a small specialist agency but as something which should be much more widely accepted like sickness or bereavement , so that people can get a more sensitive and understanding response from their employers , neighbours , doctors and so on . ’
23 Gold is much more widely distributed in nature than jade .
24 Because private-pension wealth is much more widely spread across the population than are realizable assets , and state-pension wealth is divided among all citizens , the inclusion of these two additional types of assets in a calculation of wealth distribution changes the overall picture drastically .
25 And yet all that makes something much more intensely demanding of this , their Mother debut .
26 Checklists are seldom employed to assess phonological skills , but are much more frequently applied to grammatical and functional language abilities which may be relatively difficult to elicit during a formal assessment session .
27 It is very rarely the case in real life that we can predict in detail the form and content of the language which we will encounter , but , given all of the ethnographic information we have specified , the actual occurring utterance is much more likely ( hence , we assume , much more readily processed by the addressee ) than any of the following ‘ utterances ’ which did not occur :
28 Some assessments are much more directly related to action for improving a teacher 's teaching and assisting pupils in their learning rather than for classifying them by their level of attainment .
29 The findings of the male researchers , she claims , are dogged by what she calls the problem of women ‘ whose sexuality remains more diffuse , whose perception of self is so much more tenaciously embedded in relationships with others and whose moral dilemmas hold them in a mode of judgment that is insistently contextual ’ .
30 This represents a clear overlap with the concerns of Weber , although this later aspect of the approach is much more poorly developed by Simmel .
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