Example sentences of "important [to-vb] the [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But it is important to affirm the independence in principle of the linguistic and social analysis at this stage of the work , especially as this does not always seem to be recognized .
2 It is important to compare the accounts of this incident in the Gospels , especially those of Mark and Matthew .
3 ‘ It was felt important to restore the spire as a monument to the old church which is so full of memories for people . ’
4 It is thus important to see the influence of the taxation system on work incentives in this wider perspective .
5 Indeed the changes wrought by the Prussians were to have enormous consequences for the formation of nationalist opinion in the city after the First World War , and it is important to see the extent to which these policies provided the basis of German identity and political purpose in the east , and provoked the very Polish nationalist response they supposedly sought to suppress or prevent .
6 Although it is possible to see networks as a mechanism through which workers exercise some ‘ degree of control over their labour market , it is important to acknowledge the extent to which they are , by definition , discriminatory .
7 Venting is important to sustain the shape with an internal airflow .
8 7.6.2 Subject to the provisions of clauses 7.6.3 and 7.6.4 the Landlord shall as soon as the Permissions have been obtained or immediately where no Permissions are required apply all money received in respect of such insurance ( except sums in respect of loss of Rent ) in rebuilding or reinstating the Premises or the Retained Parts so destroyed or damaged [ making up any difference between the cost of rebuilding and reinstating and the money received out of the Landlord 's own money ] It is important to include the words in square brackets in order to ensure that the damaged or destroyed premises are reinstated .
9 Before attempting to set out an approach to disruptive pupils , I believe it is important to preface the debate with a general comment on education — first , because the nature of the topic can generate emotions that lead to a distortion of the author 's overall perspective , and second , while I am critical of many educational responses to disruptive pupils I do not wish to add to teachers ' feelings of being under siege .
10 It suddenly seemed desperately important to meet the woman behind that haunting voice .
11 Does my right hon. Friend agree that , just as the number of women on the list has increased , it is also important to increase the number of women appointed to various positions in the public service ?
12 To use advertising properly , it is important to find the answers to these questions .
13 These are very strong powers , and it is clearly important to establish the meaning of ‘ development ’ , particularly since the term has a legal meaning far wider than in ordinary language .
14 The story of the Fens in post-Roman times is one of sea retreat , drying out and reclamation ( Fig. 62 ) , and , in studying the settlements of the area as Christopher Taylor and David Hall have done , it is important to know the position of the sea , sea defences and main drainage at any particular period .
15 However , it would be important to know the feelings of the wives before inviting them to attend .
16 There could be all the difference in the world between 500 and about 500 , and it 's important to know the margins of tolerance a person is using in order to interpret them .
17 At least that 's why it 's so important to know the sorts of things they are going to say before you can specify for that .
18 No matter how such thinking appeals to certain political and business interests , it is important to highlight the consequences of such attitudes for the older cities and the country as a whole .
19 As with section 6 , it is important to remember the difference between unascertained goods out of a specific bulk ( e.g. Howell v. Coupland ) and purely generic goods .
20 Whilst it may seem attractive to design a classification scheme for each different set of circumstances , it is important to remember the drawbacks of special classification schemes and to assess thoroughly whether a published general scheme will not , after all , be acceptable .
21 Since the Prime Minister said that it is important to create the conditions for economic and industrial success , will he listen to the CBI which , in its report asks the Government to take proper account of the interests of manufacturing industry instead of pursuing the policies that they are pursuing ?
22 It is very important to detail the amount of mineral dissolution that has taken place in the subsurface , especially where measurements of modal composition ( Section 5.2.2 ) or provenance estimates ( Section 5.2.4 ) are being made .
23 After the Act took effect , it would become increasingly important to coordinate the efforts of all personnel in this respect , and to establish a focal point for business activities .
24 When dividing the total design effort into packages for each firm it is most important to define the boundaries of these packages clearly and comprehensively .
25 If any benefit is to be derived from statistical analysis , it is important to define the nature of the problem and then set out to find the most appropriate way of solving it .
26 It is important to set the boundaries of this study .
27 It is important to set the drill on a high speed setting ( 5,000rpm maximum ) , and the disc must turn in the direction shown by the arrow on the housing .
28 Turning now to design it is important to answer the question of which damper produces the " best " single-step response from a given system .
29 Once again it is more important to explore the problem with students than to come to an answer .
30 It is important to trace the history of a site as far as possible , and identify its present and previous uses .
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