Example sentences of "used with the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A separate heat shield is used with the small plate , which is also useful for cleaning walls and upholstery when used with an insert sponge pad and cleaning bonnet .
2 The ‘ Snap ’ camera was used with the supplied software , ( not suitable as it stood for the required measuring instrument ) .
3 All of these techniques can be used with the spatial approach to provide various levels of integration .
4 The Intelligent Bus Interface Module is a data acquisition engine with a 40MHz 68030 processor , which resides on the VMEbus , enabling high volumes of data to be transmitted or received independent of the central host processor when it is used with the new input-output board .
5 When used with the bare infinitive , it denotes a direct experiencing of , and so contemporaneity in time with , an occurrence and can often be replaced by see — although it denotes perception in a more abstract way than the latter — or by have in its experiential sense : ( 93 ) Rather surprised to find them break fence at this season .
6 Indeed , it will be seen that dare can express a sense very close to its meaning as a modal even while maintaining most of the syntactic characteristics of a full verb , in which case it is used with the bare form — eloquent proof that the use of one or the other version of the infinitive is conditioned by meaning and not by automatically operating syntactic rules .
7 Where any form in Schedule 4 to the rules is substantially the same as a form used under the corresponding old law and rules , it can continue to be used with the necessary modifications until the Lord Chancellor directs otherwise ( r 12.7(3) ) .
8 Thus , true poetry is an entity to which the property POETRY truly applies , while Charlie 's old school is an entity such that the relation between it and the description CHARLIE 'S SCHOOL belongs to the time labelled by the word " old " , and a certain winner ( when not used with the indefinite sense ) is an entity of whom or which the description WINNER certainly holds ( or so the gambler hopes ) .
9 A little over ninety per cent I suppose , and erm , I 'm not sure if you got fourteen or fifteen carat , so fourteen I think is used with the continental standard and the lowest continental standard now are fifteen used to be our inbetween standard , very rarely used .
10 Coupled to an external VHF aerial the 5.0W setting is capable of giving a useful range equal to that of many panel-mounted sets , but on test in the cockpit it failed to offer me much real advantage over the lower-powered units when all were used with the standard screw-on flexible antennas as supplied .
11 There are three types of media which can be used with the hard copy system :
12 Since both need/dare and the infinitive evoke potentialities , no before/after relation is felt to pertain between them and so to is not necessary for the same reason as it is not used with the modal auxiliaries .
13 demisters , di demisters , windscreen wipers and washers , keep windscreens , windows , lights , direction heaters , reflectors and mirrors and number plates clean and clear , do not drive with the defect upon suitable exhaust system , if L plates have been fitted , remove or covering , when the vehicle is not being used with the driving instruction or practice .
14 I can not comment on the devices available in other languages , but in Arabic , for instance , the particle qad may be used with the past tense of the verb to convey emphasis .
15 It is for the security force commanders to ensure that all the resources available to them are used with the maximum effectiveness .
16 A mattress used with the wrong base may cause damage to the mattress , be uncomfortable and would invalidate the guarantee .
17 30-Gauge Luer lock metal needles ( Holborn Surgical Instruments Co Ltd ) are used with the bevelled ends cut flat and the ends polished .
18 I am sure that that money will be used with the utmost effect to promote more and more scientific developments at Southampton university .
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