Example sentences of "used for a [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The building was in fact being used for a small-scale version of the oxide reprocessing planned for the THORP complex : it has been sealed and closed ever since .
2 It was , again , an unsatisfactory solution , and Freud began to see that these earlier conceptualizations could only be used for a limited number of problems which arose in psychoanalysis , and that a new , more fundamental conceptualization was required .
3 Term used for a multiple prayer rug — one with two or more separate prayer fields — which is also referred to as a family prayer rug ( p. 86 ) .
4 This edging can also be used for a fancy collar .
5 At the beginning of the century , around 50 were used for a small number of functions .
6 The Kremlin 's Uspensky ( Assumption ) Cathedral was used for a religious service for the first time since 1918 when the 400th anniversary of the Moscow Patriarchate was celebrated on Oct. 12 .
7 In order that a workstation on the network ( see Figure 4.3 ) can be used for a required purpose , that purpose must be found to be in agreement with the overall management plan .
8 If the latter is the case the speed should be checked by the ASI and , provided that it is adequate , the airbrakes can be used for a normal approach and landing .
9 Fox and Stephen Brown L.JJ. noted , at pp. 1080 and 1089 , that the relevant statements were not taken on the basis that they were merely ‘ to be used for a private investigation to see if the police had acted improperly in any way ’ — one of the two main reasons for Lord Denning M.R. 's decision in Neilson v. Laugharne , the other being that the plaintiff there was merely ‘ fishing . ’
10 ROM is used for a fixed repertoire of standard programs , which are needed again and again , and which you ca n't change even if you wanted to .
11 However , composers very frequently use a free ordering of the note-material at such points : This is an excellent method of serial usage , and because it can produce a varied horizontal flow of notes in each part , a single version of a series can be used for a long piece ( Luigi Nono 's choral-orchestral work Il canto sospeso , for example , is written entirely with one series , never transposed and always in its ‘ O ’ form ) .
12 ( i ) Of course , when A = Z and ρ is multiplication , the above merely repeats results we 've known and used for a long time .
13 it does n't matter because all of them are as it happens fairly er new and indeed as Kevin says quite correctly , dry because they have n't been used for a long time .
14 which again has been used for a long time on animals .
15 Dust layered the bottom of the chamber pot ; it had not been used for a long time and was probably meant for show .
16 LIFESPAN can also be used for a wide range of applications involving the handling of documentation files not necessarily concerned with computer software such as word processing .
17 Such terms are used for a wide range of contracts ; this book , however , is primarily concerned with the drafting of standard terms to govern contracts for the supply , or purchase , of goods ( in particular ) or services .
18 But few dogs make better companions than a well trained Shepherd , and they have been used for a wide variety of tasks , aside from their traditional role of protecting flocks of sheep .
19 Mixed arrays can be used for a wide variety of possible applications ranging from monitors for electricity , gas and water metering , sensors for metal detectors and intelligent tags for factory automation systems to heat controls in hair dryers , and power and timing controls in domestic appliances like microwave ovens and coffee machines .
20 It has been used for a wide variety of projects so far .
21 Archive sources can be used for a wide variety of purposes , not just as illustrative material , and not only for their informational content , but also because of their potential for the development of historical skills and historical questioning .
22 Languages can be learned ‘ at home ’ , where there are few opportunities for mixing with the native users of the language ( such as evening class french ) or they can be learned in a second language situation , either in the country in which that language is native or in one 's own country where the language is used for a specific purpose ( such as learning English in parts of Africa where it is used as the commercial language ) .
23 A model represents something , usually in simplified form which highlights aspects which are of particular interest to the user , and is built so that it can be used for a specific purpose , for example , communication and testing .
24 In addition to its obvious implications for the prison numbers crisis , such a strategy again raises the spectre of an incapacitatory penalty being used for a certain group of offenders on the basis of their anticipated dangerousness in the future .
25 Klein s work rests upon a moral and normative order which can either , as in the work of other object-relations theorists , become associated with a particular status quo in terms of family structure and roles , or else , if rechannelled , be used for a radical critique of these same institutions ( e.g. Frosh 1987 ) .
26 Corticosteroids , if used for a prolonged period , can cause a type of dependency .
27 Gadebridge was totally demolished and the site used for farming ; the shrine of Apollo at Nettleton was destroyed , partly by fire in AD 350 , and the site turned into a small factory for the manufacture of pewter vessels ; and the temple at Uley was demolished and desecrated and the materials used for a new stone building with possible Christian associations .
28 Colchester , UK : Packs jointly developed by Betts Plastics , part of Courtaulds Aerospace , with The Robert McBride Group are being used for a new range of shower gels ( below ) sold by the Superdrug retail chain .
29 The covered market which was situated on the corner of Chiswick High Road and Linden Gardens since the open market on that south side of the High Road had been put under its cover , was not popular and , in 1937 , it was closed and the site used for a new Station for Ambulances and Fire-Engines .
30 The unique Client name is already known to LIFESPAN and therefore can not be used for a new Client name .
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