Example sentences of "used [to-vb] [conj] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Lengths of wool or strips of paper are sometimes used to emphasise that the mark represents a height from the floor .
2 He felt suddenly a brief return of the closeness they had used to enjoy when the children were small and she still felt important to them and minded less his involvement with his work .
3 I think that teachers need to know people that they can turn to for further advice , but that they could familiarize themselves much more with what , as it were , they can do in the first instance by screening children , by using there are number of published materials , learning inventories , that can be used to discover whether a child has some difficulties that might point in this direction of dyslexia .
4 Since much of the computation time is used to establish that the solution is optimal , premature termination of the procedure can often save time and yet still give the optimal solution , although its optimality can not be guaranteed .
5 This option is used to indicate that a package is ready for approval .
6 The ‘ Pages per File ’ should be entered as a decimal number ; note that 0 should be used to indicate that no file splitting is to take place and that the default is 500 pages per file .
7 The value -1 ( minus one ) is used to indicate that no data are available for certain countries ( specifically : Mauritania , Guinea-Bissau , Liberia , Gabon , Congo , the Central African Republic , Namibia , Togo and Botswana ) .
8 The Altimeter will be used to indicate that the pitch attitude is correct .
9 Coloured cards or strips can be used to indicate whether a room is vacant , occupied by staff , being cleaned or out of commission .
10 ‘ A form issued by the Governatorato dello Stato della Citta del Vaticano is used to certify that the products are intended for consumption , ’ he said in his written reply .
11 In the west London population in McKeigue and Leon 's study only one urine sample was used to define whether the subjects had microalbuminuria , whereas our subjects were characterised by overnight and daytime urine collections .
12 If possible price levels to achieve this can be hypothesized , the model of table 5.2 can be used to inquire whether the experience-curve effect is adequate to sustain a positive NPV at such price levels .
13 A technique which is used to suggest that the people are at a very early stage of linguistic development is underlexicalisation : the use of a restricted vocabulary and the avoidance of terms outside the experience and linguistic resources of the people ( see Fowler 1981 : 40 ; 1986 : 152 – 4 ) .
14 Some years ago the word ‘ psychosomatic ’ was often prefaced by the word ‘ merely ’ and was used to suggest that an illness was in some way unreal or made up .
15 The central issues which require resolution are the criteria to be used to determine whether a capital instrument represents debt or equity and the treatment of instruments like convertible debt which will or may be exchanged for other instruments .
16 Two general techniques have been used to determine whether a string is a legal combination of characters .
17 OUP expect to establish with the supplier the criteria which will be used to determine whether the system functions correctly and can be accepted by OUP .
18 Chafe suggests two variables which can be used to determine whether an item may or may not have left the addressee 's consciousness :
19 A similar approach was used to determine that the location of the new Taq I site in patient B was in the cDNA sequence , as digestion of a 518-bp PCR product ( generated with oligonucleotide primers A5i and A3 ; Fig. 5 a ) with Taq I resulted in the appearance of three Taq I fragments of 107bp , 125bp and 286bp , instead of the expected normal pattern of 107bp and 411bp fragments only ( Fig. 5 b ) .
20 I am sure that the hon. Gentleman agrees that it is crucial that approved contractors are used to ensure that the work is done to the highest possible standard .
21 Primers derived from human β actin were used as internal PCR controls resulted in a 623 bp product ( data not shown ) and was used to ensure that the PCR worked consistently each time and the actin product acted as an additional size marker .
22 In this way , the criminal law is used to ensure that the society is a fair and just one , according to the prevailing view of those terms at the time .
23 They are used to ensure that the entity model will support the functions that may use the data model .
24 The sensitivity of the instrument may be increased by increasing the power of the laser or by decreasing the level of stray light in the monochromator ; double- or even triple-grating monochromators are generally used to ensure that the Raman signals , often as weak as 10 -6 or less of the intensity of the exciting radiation , are not swamped by unshifted radiation by-passing the monochromator .
25 Inventory Control is used to ensure that the costs of buying and holding stock are minimised , taking into account the necessary inventory levels for operating the business and keeping the customer supplied .
26 Public examinations , employers ' , schools ' and colleges ' own assessments and profiles , such as that described in Example D , are used to decide whether a pupil will or will not be accepted for a job , vocational training or higher education .
27 However , firms already have to face uncertainty in the context of UCTA and the criteria used to assess whether a duty of care which would give rise to liability in tort is owed .
28 RNA in situ hybridization was used to demonstrate that the CFTR expression plasmid can be delivered to airway epithelial cells by liposome-mediated transfection in vivo .
29 Intel supply a test program with the upgrade and this is used to check that the upgrade is installed and performing correctly .
30 Incubations were performed under basal conditions , in the presence of 4 µM forskolin ( a well known stimulator of adenylate cyclase ) used to check if the homogenates retained the ability to respond to stimuli and with a peptic tryptic cotazym digest of bread ( San Pastore ) wheat gliadin ( 50 µg/ml ) ( supplied by Dr M De Vincenzi , Istituto Superiore di Santià , Istituto Sperimentale per la Cerealicoltura , Rome ) .
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