Example sentences of "used [prep] [noun sg] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Back to back bar charts can be used as back to back stem and leaf displays were to compare two distributions .
2 It is used with reference to education , and does not divide the pupils sharply into two groups with totally different needs .
3 The same clay is used from year to year and takes about three hours to reconstitute by soaking in water and disinfectant .
4 the standard format for depicting the Member who has the floor should be a head and shoulder shot , not a close-up ; ( d wide-angle shots of the Chamber may be used from time to time ;
5 The name of every decent practice gets used from time to time to justify something indecent .
6 Although the old post above Dili was still used from time to time , this port was no longer important as transports off-loaded Japanese air force and other supplies at Bancau stretching the areas to be watched by several hundred square miles .
7 Quite soon the loads on aircraft got too big for this method ( though shot-bags are still used from time to time for certain simple tests ) and nowadays the loads are applied by means of hydraulic jacks operating through very elaborate multiple lever or ‘ family tree ’ systems ; each of the hundreds of branches ends in a mechanical attachment to the wing surface .
8 Additionally , buckwheat , bamboo shoots , millet , sago and tapioca can be used from time to time , but these are not usually very popular .
9 Although the archive has been used from time to time by researchers in pursuit of specific information , no general survey of the contents has been undertaken since the death of Lord Beveridge in 1963 .
10 Figures are shown separately for Interview Style — the rather careful speech used in direct response to the fieldworker 's questions- and for a more spontaneous style not used in response to questions and often not addressing the fieldworker .
11 But Joan does not use any of these stereotypically " black " lexical items : rather , her Creole seems to be used in response to Carol 's use of Creole .
12 One thinks here , for example , of noun phrases being used in response to wh-questions .
13 This is surely where academic research can be used as a useful corrective by examining the power of some of the central terms which are used in day to day discussion to make sense of the urban present .
14 For analysing the way in which theological terms like ‘ faith ’ , ‘ grace ’ and ‘ revelation ’ are used in order to undergird the ‘ meaning ’ theist position , and for a more general discussion of the issues , there is a useful collection edited by Basil Mitchell called Faith and Logic .
15 Passata and stock are used in preference to wine for the casserole , to allow the flavour of the young lamb and vegetables to dominate the dish .
16 Exceptions to this tend to be the simpler systems such as those used in text to speech applications .
17 Speech is normally used in face to face interaction whereas writing is used across barriers of space and time .
18 First , it is necessary to understand some of the jargon used in relation to takeovers .
19 ‘ Impaired ’ and ‘ defective ’ are also self-explanatory terms used in relation to vision , sometimes with the addition of ‘ severe ’ to emphasise the degree .
20 A device commonly used in relation to Government privatisations .
21 Section 68(1) of the Trade Marks Act 1938 ( the interpretation section ) defines a trade mark as : a mark … used or proposed to be used in relation to goods for the purpose of indicating , or so as to indicate , a connection in the course of trade between the goods and some person having the right either as proprietor or registered user to use the mark , whether with or without any indication of the identity of that person .
22 Once again the language is vital to the analysis , for the term ‘ juggling ’ is widely used in relation to detection rates and carries with it an understanding that what is happening belongs to a world where movement conceals as often as it reveals .
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