Example sentences of "quite [adj] on [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I was actually quite low on the activists and higher on these three but I managed to wonder sometimes where I worked ever so hard on a session I ca n't really ca n't understand you know why it 's not going very well and I thought well when I then watched other people do something that had a lot of action I thought well why did they like that more and I never I did n't know but I 've actually learnt that you have to put activities in , cos you , you know you do get people with a very strong activist preference .
2 ( These people are farmers ; they have a variety of trailers , with a variety of different uses , all quite normal on a farm . )
3 The law is quite clear on a deduction for employees ' training costs , which are allowable as a business deduction under ss 588 and 589 , ICTA 1988 .
4 Harman J was quite clear on the point .
5 Quite good-looking on the whole .
6 As it was , I believe my judgement proved quite sound on the question of timing ; the fact that things turned out as they did is entirely attributable to an error of judgement in another direction altogether .
7 The house was quite high on the slopes and he could see the main road down into the town , and behind that the mountains on the other side of the valley sweeping up into the changing skies .
8 His touch , trained to an instrument with a check , would have been quite inappropriate on an instrument made by Nannette Streicher : in 1801 , her pianos had no checks .
9 I was quite sick on the train before we got to Euston , and have not liked long train journeys since .
10 Mr Evans was quite jolly on the day itself , cracking jokes at dinner and giving presents , a knife for Nick and a Bible for Carrie .
11 It is also quite soft on the bottom , and the newsprint does come off far too easily .
12 Erm although we we have n't really really discussed this , I suspect that given the the scale of development proposed in in Selby District , it 's it 's quite likely on the basis of what I 've heard from Mr , that Leeds are going to raise objections to development on on the western side of Selby District generally because that that area is just as close to Leeds .
13 All those looks are quite wasted on a farmer .
14 As it was er quite late on a Sunday evening I did in fact take the opportunity to listen at the door of the flat in question .
15 I , I , I 've heard in Birmingham that people used to wait until quite late on a Saturday night to get
16 The hills were quite flat on the top , forming a kind of plateau overlooking the airport .
17 Quite chirpy on the phone , ’ George said .
18 But the whirligig of time brings in his revenges , and years spent with Ted look quite good on a chap 's CV .
19 Not having done very well at school ( not even allowed to sit the Oxbridge exams ) , she had nevertheless been diligent about her piano lessons , and was in fact quite good on the instrument .
20 He is quite fascinating on the subject and has orchestrated the sketches very convincingly , placing them conjecturally and demonstrating again and again how Beethoven 's final thoughts were always best — indeed , have the inevitability of greatness .
21 ‘ I 'd say you could do with a touch more garlic in that , by the way — Pauline always used to go quite heavy on the garlic .
22 The traffic was quite heavy on the country lanes to Downshurst .
23 You ca n't walk anywhere here without finding something to astound you , whether it be something sad or cruel on the one hand or quite beautiful on the other .
24 and er I managed to get er do forty odd years and erm now I 'm quite happy on the pension that they gave me .
25 Apart from being slimmer and healthier at the end of the diet , you should also be quite knowledgeable on the subject of diet in general , and be your own expert on the diet that 's right for you .
26 ‘ Some lividity staining there … quite pronounced on the thighs and the small of the back .
27 Sudden storms are quite common on the Sea of Galilee .
28 A species of Laboulbenia is quite common on the beetle guest , but it has yet to be found on the ant that acts as host .
29 Curriculum history ( still quite thin on the ground ) may stress prominent innovators or pioneering national laws or documents , but many classroom practitioners are usually hardly aware that their practice is being slowly , almost subliminally modified by a variety of external pressures .
30 She is quite keen on a tenants ' association .
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