Example sentences of "over the [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Autocatalyst Europe topped up this figure with a further £1,000 and Dr David Evans ( right ) was very pleased to hand over the total amount of £1,118 to Ian Catley , Fund Raising Manager for CRMF .
2 Rossini set the words of his theatre librettists happily and so , give or take a few personal quiddities , did the Italian stories , outline and the dictate the treatment , but he handed over the actual versification to Piave , Ghislanzoni , Boito and the rest .
3 The silver coinage of the late seventh century took over the developing role of gold coin and may be the first true cash in England for commercial transactions .
4 Foreign labour was cheaper than Libyan , and it was excluded from the benefits of socialist legislation , in particular from the provision that workers could take over the private businesses for which they worked .
5 From 1466 the company took over the financial management of the garrison , with the mayor of the Staple becoming de facto royal treasurer of the town .
6 Back in Vienna , Constanze , for once not pregnant , had begun to take over the financial reins with great aplomb .
7 Clouds like brassy cauliflowers form over the steel-blue blades of the distant mountain range that borders the plain .
8 Nutrition experts argue over the various merits of ginseng , but its components point to its three main powers : slowing down the ageing process ; giving stamina and endurance , and acting as an aphrodisiac .
9 Sir Richard , 60 , who beat a challenge from Belgian Gen Jose Charlier , takes over the three-year post from Norwegian Gen Vigleik Eide .
10 We push his legs but they buckle at the knees , so we have to hold them up above our heads as we push to make them stay straight , then as we shove and his trousers are rolled down by the rim of stone , his arms flop over the far side of the shaft rim and it suddenly gets easier to push him .
11 When the trust took over the four-storey building in 1987 it was virtually derelict .
12 And in the process of course destroying the old Europe , allowing the very thing that , arguably , they were trying to stop from happening , to happen , that is to say , allowing the Russians to advance towards the Elbe , and allowing the Anglo-Saxons as they see it to erm come from the west and taken over the western half of Europe .
13 To hire a car would be a mistake if you want to enjoy the White Mountains , which extend over the western end of the island , from immediately behind Chania and the north coast road to the edge of the south coast .
14 The Department of Education and Science therefore took over the enlarged responsibilities of the Ministry created by Butler in 1944 , and Quintin Hogg ( who had divested himself of his peerage in the hope of succeeding Macmillan as Prime Minister ) became the first Secretary of State .
15 It may be obtained from the consideration that in the absence of an external current the line integral of H ( taken over the dotted lines in Fig. 3.11(b) ) must vanish , leading
16 He realised first that a muon in the vicinity of a hydrogen atom would orbit 207 times nearer to the central nucleus than would the electron , and so the muon would get inside the electron 's orbit and take over the electrical attraction of the proton ; it is an atomic ‘ excuse me ’ dance routine .
17 The Ministry of Labour and Government Administration , previously held by Tove Strand Gerhardsen , was split into two , with Gunnar Berge taking over the new Ministry of Local Government and Labour and Oddny Alexandersen the Ministry of Government Administration .
18 Gerhard Schürer 's post as Chair of the State Planning Commission was abolished and Grünheid took over the new position of Chair of the Economic Committee .
19 Denise and Ralph Bulger talk frankly about the joy they feel over the new baby in a magazine article published tomorrow .
20 Parish council clerk at Gainford Margaret Brown said : ‘ They should n't strictly have been on the bridge but a lot of people do walk on it and climb over the small barricade at each end .
21 A large smile took over the small face of Elmer .
22 Although tree holes are the most common nesting place , stock doves have been found nesting in rabbit holes and they occasionally take over the abandoned nests of wood-pigeons .
23 Still more to the point , were they welcomed by the Melians when they took over the existing settlement at Phylakopi ?
24 Also to be released is Wilton Mkwayi , who took over the overall command of the ANC 's military wing , Umkhonto we Sizwe , after the others were jailed but was himself arrested and jailed for life in 1965 .
25 Eight years later Theudebald died without an heir , and on this occasion Chlothar was , it seems , able to take over the eastern kingdom without opposition .
26 Havant take over the daunting task of challenging for the European Cup in Amsterdam , with Hounslow moving to the south of Holland to compete at Vught where a favourable draw puts them among the favourites to reach Monday 's final .
27 Europe , said New Scientist , ‘ lies poised ’ to take over the pre-eminent position in X-ray astronomy and despaired of London 's public transport .
28 The Department owes a great deal to Noel Thomas and it is a measure of his success as Chairman that when at the end of the 1989 academic year he handed over the hot seat to Angus Easson , the latter 's first task was one of consolidation .
29 These projects range over the entire field of the life of the Church : the establishment of new dioceses ; the training of catechists , lay leaders , nuns , priests ; the building of churches , parochial centres , school centres ; preaching the Gospel by press , television and radio ; hospitals , clinics , leprosaria , disaster relief , medicines , transport and other miscellaneous works .
30 On Friday 2nd April at Lansdowne Football Club , Lansdowne Road , they take the wraps off the music of the night — and take over the entire Club in the process ! .
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