Example sentences of "rather different [noun] of [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But representative assemblies of a kind , parliaments , had a history which went back many centuries before the modern revival of the idea of democracy , and these assemblies brought with them their own rather different concept of representation .
2 SERAFIN : Yes , but we have jumped into a really rather different category of household appliance , have n't we ?
3 Among the sea anemones sticking limply to the rocks exposed at low tide , there are , almost everywhere in the world , rather different lumps of jelly .
4 First a by now familiar digression via the early modern , where we find rather different conceptions of sameness and sexual difference .
5 Hilary said the same thing , in a rather different tone of voice , over the breakfast table next morning to his parents .
6 A rather different type of argument suggests there may be strategic advantages in manufacturers remaining separate from retailers , whilst having distinct linkages .
7 So through that dismal day Hugh Templar sat at his kitchen table and pursued the adventures of a team of space-travellers who had discovered a world directly behind the sun , which was a mirror-image of our own Earth , with the same physical composition , but with a rather different kind of population , a race having strange and , I hoped , thought-provoking ideas about how to run their planet …
8 Huxley as a popularizer of Darwin and as a teacher of biology emphasized rather different aspects of science .
9 She is described as ‘ a decent-looking workgirl , employed at a mineral water factory ’ , and hers is a rather different tale of woe .
10 They concluded that there were a number of rather different sorts of town and city in Britain with dramatically varying levels of high-status jobs , social-welfare and educational provision .
11 The term ‘ participant observation ’ is commonly used to describe rather different sorts of research methods , and in the very diffuseness of methods used under this umbrella term there lies a danger .
12 ‘ The owner of the restaurant might have a rather different point of view . ’
13 In spite of the attractions , Guide has not adopted this uniform approach , mainly because unifying rather different types of object does not make for simplicity .
14 That is , we have two rather different kinds of plurality to deal with : Fig4.4 ( A ) PLURALITY OF ( B ) PLURALITY OF CODING LEVELS FUNCTIONS Textual Now , there is no one-to-one correspondence between levels and functions ( although we shall find , in Chapters 6 and 7 , some strong associations between them ) .
15 Some light is perhaps shed on the problem by the most recent psychological researches on memory , which have identified two rather different kinds of memory — ‘ explicit ’ memory , which amounts to relatively detailed recall of a set of stimuli ; and ‘ implicit ’ memory , which is distinctly short of detail , but enables people , in effect , to ‘ know I 've seen it before somewhere ’ .
16 Intra-medium decisions — where to put the ads within a chosen medium or media group — allow for a rather different form of judgement , and have available rather more coherent research standards .
17 There are also several poison arrow frogs of South America that show a rather different form of cannibalism .
18 Atkinson and Coleman offer a rather different view of bureaucracy under corporatist conditions .
19 Direct evidence of a rather different sort of learning comes from a study of great reed warblers and cuckoos , also in Central Japan , undertaken by Arnon Lotem and Amotz Zahavi of Tel-Aviv University , in collaboration with Dr Nakamura .
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