Example sentences of "rather [subord] [verb] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 As he said in a radio broadcast in 1946 , the Criterion in later years " tended to reflect a particular point of view rather than to illustrate a variety of views on that plane . "
2 She had endowed the marriage ( and he could never really like the fellow ) most extravagantly out of her invested money , rather than taking a dip among the jewels that she never wore .
3 THE holiday ads are tempting you away with the usual images of fun and sun but rather than taking a package why not invest in that longed-for overseas home ?
4 Sara made a statement rather than asked a question .
5 Presumably he should have shot her or let her drown , rather than make a present of her to the French , but there were some things Karelius could not bring himself to do .
6 Or we might compare the way Philip II kept Phokis intact in 346 rather than make a present of it to Thebes .
7 However , the tally of six underestimates the total effect because some MPs unsympathetic to Left-wing ideas may have decided to retire a little early rather than face a battle for re-adoption .
8 In the final analysis the need for a swift response to an immediate housing shortage after the war painted almost inevitably to a large-scale local authority housing programme , rather than face a period of delay while housing associations were geared up to the task .
9 However , rather than realising a £17m loss , Tootal 's figures show a £3.4m profit , with most of the difference written off earlier through the balance sheet .
10 In conclusion , my Lords , it seems to me that , unless the procedure adopted by the moving party is ill suited to dispose of the question at issue , there is much to be said in favour of the proposition that a court having jurisdiction ought to let a case be heard rather than entertain a debate concerning the form of the proceedings .
11 It now became easier to send multiple copies of papers to colleagues rather than sending a file on the circuit of an institution .
12 When searching for the right adjective , bear in mind that your effect on the reader will be stronger if you can create physical sensation , if you can make the reader conjure up a colour , a texture , a smell or a sound , rather than using a word like ‘ soothing ’ , or ‘ lovely ’ or ( worst of all ) ‘ evocative ’ .
13 To avoid mistakes , please would you use the new form attached to make your order , signed by your Head of Group/Sector rather than using a memo as was the case before .
14 In other words , rather than using a notepad and pen , you have the privilege of paying £100 for a piece of complicated electronics that does the same thing .
15 ‘ We can tell very quickly what 's happening , so we can tackle the problem as soon as it arises rather than using a pesticide until it fails .
16 They begin to look back rather than construct a future for themselves .
17 In Lakoff 's case , it might be a reflection of her training in the Chomskyan tradition , which urges the analyst to examine her own intuitions rather than collecting a corpus of data .
18 To test whether the uptake carrier transports a pH-changing anion ( such as OH - or HCO ) out of the cell , rather than transporting a proton in , we replaced the normal Cl - ions in the pipette ( and thus inside the cell ) with other anions .
19 Most people do not realize that Jews can pray together without a rabbi , and that the rabbi 's job is often to clarify a point of law or resolve a dispute , rather than to lead a congregation in prayer .
20 Only the Lithuanians accounted for so large a proportion of the population of their own republic , and the measure was widely seen as blocking rather than facilitating a transition to fully independent status .
21 To see ourselves in this way is to gain a perspective rather than to advocate a policy , yet the relation of these two activities will inevitably remain in the background of our work .
22 More important perhaps , its role was to work ‘ with the market rather than seeking a directive role .
23 Many readers are hindered by inaudibly ‘ pronouncing ’ each word rather than scanning a group of words to get the meaning of a sentence and rapid reading classes can be helpful in correcting this deficiency .
24 The circumstances of Japan 's opening to the West thus seemed calculated to reinforce rather than diminish a sense of separateness and need for security in the face of manifestly unequal treatment .
25 Rather than identify a point in time when some separation was effected , it is more constructive to locate successive shifts in the degree of subordination and the grounds of differentiation .
26 An added precautionary measure is to form Newco specially for the management buy-out rather than acquire a shelf company , because a shelf company 's accounting period may have commenced at a time when its Memorandum of Association does not reflect the relevant purpose test , for example , where a general trading company is purchased and turned into a holding company .
27 Nevertheless , aim to give the dog a good run every day , rather than undertaking a marathon at the weekend , for example .
28 Blufton had carefully manicured his image as a man of the people over the past couple of years , the sergeant went on , preferring to give interviews in an open-necked shirt and jeans — both with designer labels — rather than wear a suit .
29 ‘ We like staff as well as residents to show their individuality rather than wear a uniform . ’
30 Replace the habit with something else rather than leaving a void .
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