Example sentences of "five or [adj] [noun] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Most of us need less sleep as we get older — perhaps five or six hours a night instead of eight .
2 Opo developed a special friendship with a 12-year-old girl , who would enter the water five or six times a day to swim with or stand and talk to her .
3 She needed continual reassurance , and although she had been told by God himself that all her sins were forgiven and that she would not need to go to purgatory , she confessed and had herself absolved four , five or six times a day .
4 Choristers sing Evensong generally five or six times a week , as well as services twice or three times on Sundays .
5 His university duties consisted chiefly of marking examinations five or six times a year , avalanches of which arrived from all over the country ; he found it increasingly difficult to judge them , unable to make up his mind about marks while driven by conscience to become ever more scrupulous .
6 It seems she saw her father five or six times a year and her grandfather less often than that , though the old man used to send her substantial cash presents at Christmas and on her birthday . ’
7 The first task was to finish putting together the ‘ Darlington Drinker ’ , a local magazine which goes out five or six times a year to pubs around the area .
8 ‘ This weekend was exceptional , but we are regularly there five or six times a week , ’ said Mr Warrior .
9 When your income is not much above five or six pounds a week , as it was for me in the seventies , even a tin of dog food is out of the question .
10 Demonstrations might prove to be a good way of teaching small groups of about five or six students the use of various tools used for information retrieval .
11 But over the past five or six years the visits had increased and lengthened until , in the preceding few months , they had settled permanently upon his presence .
12 For example , from 1973 to 1978 the money supply rose by 306 per cent , while the cost of living rose by 123 per cent ; thereafter , for five or six years the rate of growth of the money supply was less than the rate of increase of prices , especially in 1981 and 1983–5 .
13 The letters arrive all year round though Praise Be is shown for only five or six weeks a year .
14 We 're not just playing a weekend game , but working five or six days a week , so there are bound to be problems of mental fatigue and photographers become stale and burned out .
15 In some cases , the accompanying wall texts give details of the sittings : , the model for Euan Uglow 's ‘ Zagi ’ ( 1981–2 ) sat for five hours a day , five or six days a week , during a period from Easter 1981 to Easter 1982 .
16 I 'd have got them for five or six quid a window
17 They were five or ten rupees a packet and they hurt a lot and I had some internal injuries .
18 But if you read it in the way the UK does , you might catch only five or ten projects a year . ’
19 I said your limit is , is five or ten miles an hour .
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