Example sentences of "things [to-vb] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ After all , there are lots of other things to enjoy in the country . ’
2 I have extraordinary things to report about the child .
3 There are some unusually good things to see inside the church of Saint-Savin : a ‘ Eucharist tower ’ twenty feet and three storeys high , Gothic in style , and made of gilded wood ; two primitive fifteenth-century panels , each containing nine scenes from the life of the church 's name-saint ; a Renaissance organ carried on what is left of a wooden gallery that once ran right across the church , from transept to transept — on the front of the instrument are three articulated mascarons , which moved their eyes and tongues as the organ played , in representation of wretched earthly sinners , grimacing at the intolerable sound of joyful , heavenly music .
4 Three other things to go into the blast furnace ?
5 One person spent illicit hours at Saatchi 's designing our logo ; WTN allowed a lot of things to go through the system — printing , photocopying , artwork ; Gina got the entire staff of her office converted to the cause within weeks and it seemed that everyone else had done the same : soon members ' colleagues , friends and relatives were all helping out .
6 Yes , and the things to go in the oven .
7 T : two things to establish for the writer at the beginning of the story one the situation what is the situation * at the beginning of the story * anybody what 's the situation Douglas * have you read the story Douglas S : no sir T : ah that wo n't help then will it who 's read the story what is the situation at the beginning SS : ( laughter ) T : £ is it Michael S : Carl T : what 's the situation at the beginning simple detail situation what where what is the story about at the beginning * have you read it S : no sir T : right who 's read it * Sarah ( Walsh 1987 : 82 )
8 ON the golf course , 1989 was a vintage to declare and may well be the source of good things to come in the publishing world .
9 Thus we are appealing for things to sell at the car boot sales , or maybe you would prefer to make a small donation to our funds .
10 And I think a lot of the things to do with the way we viewed men were to do with women experiencing profound and debilitating sexism within all those respective movements and this is why we had to really re-think things in a radical way and I 'm very proud of that .
11 Perhaps you could tell P C some of the things to do with the investigation that were in the programme ,
12 A good Home will help its residents to keep as fit as they can and will offer plenty of different things to do during the week .
13 This chapter gives you some ideas for informal things to do in the Home , organised outings and activities which may also have a special therapy value , like reminiscence .
14 Then a woman in the street — the Via Monserato , between the Tiber and the Farnese Square , they talked about it so much , Mena and my grandmother , when I was little , I think they talked about it every day : Il Quartiere Papale , it does have a magnificent sound , has n't it ? and so much of it a slum ; the rich live above on the piani nobili , the ground floors and cellars are rented out to artisans ; my mother , who was brought up in those streets , says to know them you must have breathed the air in the evenings when the wine-shops are full and they are lighting charcoal braziers on the pavements ; she says I will go one day , but I think I know already — well , a woman in Mena 's street who sold salad greens knew the cook who worked for Anna and the prince round the corner and Mena was given things to do in the kitchen .
15 ‘ I 've got things to do in the dispensary . ’
16 He can not work but wants interesting things to do in the day time .
17 And I remember one time he gave me a list of things to do in the morning — fill this with potatoes , put the beans up on the shelves , brush the yard and then you can go out .
18 ‘ Well , ’ he said finally , ‘ I 've a few more things to do in the garden .
19 Oh I ca n't I 've got things to do in the office , a busy company here .
20 ‘ The Occupational therapy department are looking for things to put on the wall , whereas for the elderly patients themselves , it is just the process of working that they find enjoyable .
21 Seven of our Section were detached for a fortnight to make our creche , so each day after parade they would go off with a Corporal to hump sand , fill wheelbarrows with moss and look for things to add to the project .
22 That is why rice and pasta are such useful things to have in the store cupboard , because you can mix them with anything .
23 I am convinced that this is because the barbel are so conditioned to seeing this plastic larder pop through the surface and spread good things to eat along the bottom , they are waiting for it to happen .
24 The advantage of that would be that if the private sector does have things to offer in the way of better labour practices , better marketing ideas , then these will be copied by the B R system and in Sweden it 's quite evident that although very few franchises have gone to the private sector , it has had a quite drastic effect on the way in which the state railway goes about its business .
25 ‘ The length of the toe bone is one of the last things to change in the loss of arboreality , ’ said Lovejoy .
26 I would think so they 've got ta go and plant , start planting ivies and things to drape down the wall
27 ‘ The idea that people with no professional expertise in education could go into schools and have relevant things to say about the teaching methodology seems patent nonsense . ’
28 If film and theatre have found new things to say on the subject , literature is still relatively dumbstruck .
29 Oh , why do n't you make what you 've got cos you 've got a lot of things to make at the moment , and then come back and choose another time , hm .
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