Example sentences of "most [prep] we [vb mod] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 Woosie aside , most of us might score closer to the 100 with which Bernard Darwin won the first official Club meeting in 1893 .
2 We may have some desire to be appreciated for our physical appearance , but most of us would hope to be desired for what we are down inside .
3 In normal adult life most of us would feel insulted and demeaned if the basic value we had as human beings was described by the kind of functional assessments that have been discussed .
4 Most of us would pay lip service to the message of chapter 3 , that the clue to true beauty is to be found in personality and character .
5 While most of us would admit to having hurt another person deliberately , we recoil in horror from the thought of subjecting someone to extreme pain for impersonal reasons .
6 And unless we happen to be absolute saints , I 'll bet most of us would admit that there have been occasions when we would willingly have ‘ divorced ’ our young ourselves …
7 Perhaps , as most of us would assume , it can all be explained by inadequate statistics , faulty experimental design , overenthusiastic interpretation of ambiguous results , or , as I have argued in the case of Ungar 's experiment , misinterpreting the biochemical and pharmacological consequences of stress or other , rather non-specific aspects of behaviour .
8 It is a subject most of us would prefer not to think about .
9 Most of us would prefer when ill or very elderly to be looked after by those we know and love rather than taken to a strange and unfamiliar place .
10 We 've all experienced it and most of us would move heaven and earth to avoid it .
11 In the American state of California , people have a life-style which most of us would envy .
12 I do n't think he realised learning the facts of life was precisely what most of us would do if we stopped demonstrating and went back to bed .
13 While most of us would acknowledge that some level of stress is required to enable us to function and to be sufficiently motivated , the effects of continued high levels of stress have been shown to have a damaging effect on the ability to maintain our personal sense of purpose , usefulness and well-being .
14 ( Most of us would kill for hair like that , Belinda ! )
15 After all , while most of us would condemn escapism as a total way of life , our capacity to use our imaginations to construct alternative worlds into which we can temporarily retreat is certainly a central human characteristic and seems , on the whole , a valuable one .
16 And without being alarmist , most of us would like to know more about the effect of years of chemical bombardment on our bodies .
17 Now the thing that worries me is that the N R A and our linkage with them is I do n't think it 's early days for them and they have n't got the the power and the erm law behind them to enforce it as the way which I think most of us would like to think of have a erm erm an organization tha that can in fact start bringing the law in that if people fail to do what they say erm so that aspect I think I now Chris also mentioned this erm tilting in West Sussex and again that mentioned in the structure plan , because I six mill a year but in ten years that 's two and a half inches .
18 It 's not something that we do two hundred times a week , but most of us would like to try .
19 Most of us would like to think of growing old gracefully , enjoying the years of retirement , surrounded by family and friends … but as we get older , it becomes more and more difficult to get about and meet others .
20 Figure 3.1 shows that if we go to bed at the ‘ normal ’ time we sleep about eight hours , a result that most of us would accept as part of our daily experience .
21 Most of us would agree with any condemnation of such conduct .
22 Logically most of us would agree that it must be better had these unfortunate beings not been born , than to suffer and die so needlessly .
23 Most of us would agree that it 's useful to stay calm and think ahead , but few of us are as well organised as Caroline Lamb , who makes a point of taking her seven-week-old baby , Ben , out every day to visit friends , the clinic or shops .
24 I think most of us would agree that it is highly desirable to use words precisely .
25 It is not a simple case that we can run along , sell a few houses , get the capital receipts and suddenly we can go off and have a wonderful programme and replace the assets which we have sold and when we 're talking about assets in this case I think there 's one crucial difference between us and you and that is we recognise that that is n't just an asset it is a person 's home a person 's home , that 's so important an a I 'm , just to talk about it as if it is is something else , y'know , just some petrified lump of cattle , petrified lump of stock money that was doing no good whatsoever , is a nonsense and I think most of us would agree that it is a complete and utter nonsense .
26 However , to be serious , while flexitime , certainly in the way it is put forward , is what most of us would describe as a ‘ complete nonsense ’ for area staff , it does embody a legitimate concern .
27 If pressed , most of us would say that he deepened our understanding of human nature , and that he made us aware that the mind of Man is complex and contradictory .
28 Erm trading standards er European Community Union erm is putting up more and I think most of us would say that in this area are to be welcomed
29 If , for example , a shy child has been very quiet in what is supposed to be a television interview , a positive way of dealing with it is to acknowledge it as something that has happened within the dramatic fiction : " Most of us would get very nervous being interviewed for TV ; I know I would .
30 But this reverses the order of argument most of us would endorse : we share an understanding that our officials must treat all members of the community they govern as equals because we believe they should behave that way , not the other way around . "
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