Example sentences of "when do [pron] [vb infin] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 When d' you have to be in ? ’ she asked
2 ‘ So when do we move into our new home ?
3 When do we go to France ? she asked .
4 We get off , when do we get off school ?
5 When do we get to the lake ? ’
6 ‘ Come along , young Algar : what about this marriage ? — when do we get to that ? ’
7 So what when do we have to be back ?
8 When do we listen to them ?
9 When do you want to be married then ? ’
10 When do you go to sleep ?
11 And when do you go to Saint Boswell 's ?
12 The when do you go on holidays then ?
13 When do you check in your car ? ’ he asked .
14 ( vii ) When do you return to Thorpe again ?
15 Mummy , when do you stop at the hedge to go down ?
16 When do you come off your antibiotics ?
17 How long should you spend on that problem alone — and when do you turn to fellow students to share ideas on possible solutions ?
18 When do you listen to music ?
19 When do you listen to music ?
20 Everyone knows how to sleep with a bloke , or they soon find out , but when do you hear about family planning ?
21 When do you have in mind ? ’
22 ‘ What I want to know , ’ she said in a voice as cold as ice , ‘ is when do I cease to be your mistress and become your wife ?
23 Yeah cos when did we go to London ?
24 After you 'd been erm in daily discussions w with the management , when did it occur to you that things w just not gon na happen ?
25 Conservation was all right but when did it lapse into deterioration ?
26 When did you go to Mecca this way ? ’
27 When did you go to the United States ?
28 When did you go to the flat ?
29 When did you go to the video shop then ?
30 My daughter says when , when did you go to Wimbledon ?
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