Example sentences of "to do [adv] by [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It seemed easier to do right by a people who wanted nothing than by peoples who clamoured for what you were not at all sure you wanted to give them .
2 I want to do right by the kid , give them a good home .
3 We were keen to do right by the priority groups .
4 If any of you attacks your brother from now on , if not ordered to do so by a superior , that attacker will be enslaved and used for chirurgical experiments in our laboratories for as long as he lives .
5 A local authority must also investigate when directed to do so by a court in the course of family proceedings ( s37(1) ) .
6 ( i ) When directed to do so by a court on the discharge of an education supervision order ( Sched 3 , para 17(2) ) .
7 It shall be the duty of every professor to act as the supervisor of graduate students as and when requested to do so by a faculty board or other competent body , unless he can show reasonable cause , to the satisfaction of that board or other body , why on a particular occasion he should not do so .
8 In effect , when section 89 applies , the company if it wishes to issue equity shares for cash , has to do so by a rights issue , as described in chapter 13 or a similar process if it is a private company .
9 In R v General Medical Council , ex parte Colman [ 1990 ] 1 All ER 489 the Court of Appeal on one view appear to have refused to apply the restraint of trade doctrine when asked to do so by a doctor who complained that the General Medical Council ( GMC ) had refused to allow him to advertise .
10 It shall be the duty of every professor to act as an examiner or assessor as and when requested to do so by a nominating committee or other competent body unless he can show reasonable cause to the satisfaction of the Vice-Chancellor and Proctors why on a particular occasion he should not do so .
11 At first you may have to prize open the jaws gently , but soon the puppy should learn to release the item without hesitation , if encouraged to do so by a display of affection afterwards .
12 If a public company wishes to raise £1m , it could seek to do so by an issue of a series of , say £1 , £10 , £100 , or £1000 debentures , each representing a separate debt totalling in aggregate £1m .
13 Section 80 provides that directors shall not exercise any power of the company to allot shares in the company or rights to subscribe for , or convert into , shares in the company unless they are authorised to do so by the company in general meeting or by the company 's articles .
14 The user should respond by pressing any key when prompted to do so by the word Key ?
15 Conversely the tenant may contract to remove fixtures either unconditionally , or conditionally upon being requested to do so by the landlord .
16 The US environmentalists , in a critical report , had accused Guerreiro of failing to act quickly enough to demarcate the boundaries of a proposed reservation for the Yanomami Indians although he had been ordered to do so by the government in mid-April .
17 For example , the chairman of Welsh Water stated recently that , in spite of assurances from the Drinking Water Inspectorate concerning the safety of fluoridation plant designed according to the Department of Environment 's code of practice , his company would not continue fluoridation on Anglesey or extend fluoridation into the rest of Wales unless required to do so by the secretary of state .
18 13.1 The Proprietor if called upon to do so by the Publisher agrees to prepare subsequent editions of the Work .
19 13.1 The Company if called upon to do so by the Publisher shall procure that the Authors prepare subsequent editions of the Work .
20 The strength of this argument is increasingly recognised , as the expertise of Central Authorities has grown ; some countries have chosen to use their Central Authorities as transmitting agents , although not required to do so by the Convention , and have discovered that the advantages outweigh any risk of slight delays caused by the extra agency involved within the state of origin .
21 He was not in the habit of examining patients ' heads for vermin unless asked to do so by the superintendent-nurse , in which case he had always directed that they be disinfested .
22 ( 1 ) Each member of and each beneficial owner of a share in a recognised body shall submit to the Council , in such form as the Council may from time to time prescribe , a covenant under seal ( referred to in these Rules as a ‘ Compensation Fund covenant ’ ) that he or it will jointly and severally with the other members of and beneficial owners of any shares in the body reimburse the Society , when required to do so by the Council , in respect of any grant made out of the Compensation Fund under paragraph 6 of Schedule 2 to the Act where :
23 being or proposing to become a member of and/or a beneficial owner of a share or … shares in … ( hereinafter called ‘ the Company ’ ) , HEREBY COVENANT with the COUNCIL OF THE LAW SOCIETY ( hereinafter called ‘ the Council ’ ) that , if recognition is granted to the Company by the Council under section 9 of the Administration of Justice Act 1985 , [ delete words in italics if the Company is already recognised ] I will jointly and severally with the other members of and beneficial owners of shares in the Company reimburse the Law Society , when required to do so by the Council , in respect of any grant made out of the Compensation Fund under paragraph 6 of Schedule 2 to the Administration of Justice Act 1985 where :
24 being or proposing to become a member of and/or a beneficial owner of a share or … shares in … ( hereinafter called ‘ the Company ’ ) , HEREBY COVENANT with the COUNCIL OF THE LAW SOCIETY ( hereinafter called ‘ the Council ’ ) that , if recognition is granted to the Company by the Council under section 9 of the Administration of Justice Act 1985 , [ delete words in italics if the Company is already recognised ] it will jointly and severally with the other members of and beneficial owners of shares in the Company reimburse the Law Society , when required to do so by the Council , in respect of any grant made out of the Compensation Fund under paragraph 6 of Schedule 2 to the Administration of Justice Act 1985 where :
25 I say ’ or ’ simply because I am not aware — and at the moment there is no way of finding out — whether the consultants who wished to involve the NRA or Cardiff city council 's environmental health department were told not to do so by the Cardiff Bay development corporation or whether , off their own bat , they simply chose not to do so , in which case , if there is a design fault , it lies with them .
26 More than half of all companies required to apply for pollution licences have failed to do so by the deadline of the end of September , according to reports submitted to the conference of the National Society for Clean Air .
27 The later authors duly record 834/1431 as the date of Fahreddin Acemi 's becoming Mufti , but they are forced to do so by the logic of their position and seem not to depend on any statement in the early sources .
28 The Consumer Protection Act also makes a supplier liable if he fails to identify the producer within a reasonable time , having been asked to do so by the claimant .
29 The scientists who use the animals must be individually licensed to do so by the Home Office .
30 ( 3 ) If any constable reasonably suspects any person of committing an offence under the foregoing provisions of this section , he may if requested to do so by the chairman of the meeting require that person to declare to him immediately his name and address and , if that person refuses or fails to so declare his name and address or gives a false name and address he shall be guilty of an offence under this subsection . ’
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