Example sentences of "to do [pron] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Although some of the things that you were taught you maybe never got a chance to do them in the bakery .
2 He said that if the design of the Foreign Office were changed , the India Office would also have to be changed and urged Palmerston and Wood to do nothing during the recess that would prejudice the adoption of the designs on display .
3 ‘ You 've had enough X-rays for a while , so I 'm going to do nothing for the moment .
4 It kept the Navigation Acts up to date , but under Walpole 's premiership in the 1720s and 1730s it passed so little legislation of any general application even within Britain that it was quite natural for it to do nothing about the colonies .
5 ‘ I rather hope I may get those concerned to invite me to do you in the Authors and their Work series — though I have n't done anything about it — I might then like to quote a bit or two out of a letter ( e.g. about Ivy ) , but I devoutly hope you will be able to censor the thing for yourself ’ — for there was still hope , or I was allowed to think so .
6 I 'm the sort of person who wants to do everything for the people I love and he is the sort of person who 's self-sufficient , or seems to be … = ’ she paused .
7 So you 'd better be prepared today to do everything on the move .
8 ‘ I 'm ordered to give you these things , ’ Harvey said , as though he did n't want to really , but I do n't think he meant that — he was just over-keen to do everything by the book .
9 He wants to do something to the camp .
10 But he wants to do something to the camp .
11 ‘ Rule 2 : Where there is a contract for the sale of specific goods and the seller is bound to do something to the goods , for the purpose of putting them into a deliverable state , the property does not pass until the thing is done , and the buyer has notice that it has been done . ’
12 She bent her head so he could n't see her blush at the thought that he meant their own relationship , and pretended to do something to the heel of her shoe .
13 This is because the crime of indecent assault requires the defendant to do something to the victim .
14 His first thought was to do something to the Volkswagen Passat .
15 Since I had to do something during the hours I was supposed to be with Sophie , I joined the local Labour Party .
16 This order compels a person to do something under a contract which he or she has refused to do .
17 It was a tremendous morale-booster for Michael to do something of the sort again , but I am sure none of the delegates at the conference knew of the pain he was in , nor how much discomfort he concealed behind his ready laugh .
18 And I mean , if you set a list to do something for a day Yeah .
19 Section i concluded that the interest shown in trust wordings was a reflection of the demand that , although formless , a trust should be phrased in words which demonstrated an unequivocal intention on the part of the deceased to bind a trustee to do something for a beneficiary .
20 So if we get an idea to do something for the residents we do not need to go through endless red tape in order to get it done .
21 In 1985 a smooth man ’ , a ‘ sophisticated hustler ’ appeared in Washington and approached North , saying he wanted to do something for the contras .
22 Well , he 's going to do something for the programme and I 'm doing something for TSB .
23 Then , hoping he could remember enough of the ancient language of chivalry and selecting his words with extreme care , he said , ‘ Good Trees , we ask your assistance , ’ and saw the Elms nod to one another meaningfully , as if they had been expecting all along to be asked to do something for the Humans .
24 FEARFUL that an eco-collection could be tarnished with a ‘ muesli bar ’ image , she purposefully chose ‘ to show an avant-garde range that did n't look too eco because the consumer is not ready to do something for the environment at the expense of looking good ’ .
25 ‘ We all have to do something for the good of our country . ’
26 In Esso Petroleum Co Ltd v Harper 's Garage ( Stourport ) Ltd [ 1968 ] AC 269 Lord Reid said : Whenever a man agrees to do something over a period he thereby puts it wholly or partly out of his power to " exercise any trade or business he pleases " during that period .
27 People have to be involved in something if they 're going to want to do something at the end .
28 God had to do something on the cross , in Christ , in order that his love which he has for us as sinners might become forgiveness for us in reality .
29 not with squirrels , no er I do n't think so but I mean you , you might be able to do something with a vole , or something like that and trap them but I 'm just wondering Stefan could it also be a fox ?
30 Lukic , whenever he decided to do something with a cross , punched it .
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