Example sentences of "place [prep] the same [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They all came from similar backgrounds and , as like minds , they were all congregating at the same place for the same reasons .
2 Yet Mary Joe forcibly made the point that ‘ exhibitions can hurt the tour when they take place during the same period , the same City or just the same continent as specified sanctioned tournaments . ’
3 The study of language , literature , and history was also substantially influenced by the general process of higher academic specialization which took place during the same period .
4 ‘ It was in the same place with the same registrar but this time everyone was there , including me . ’
5 An extreme instance is provided by Godden and Baddeley ( 1975 , 1980 ) , who found that the ability of divers to recall a list of words learned either under water or on the beach was much better when the test took place in the same conditions as had prevailed during original learning .
6 It only became connected with the miracle because both events took place in the same village .
7 Thus it is possible for one of these three Conventions to apply in relation to a purely internal supply-contract in which goods move from one place in a State to another place in the same State pursuant to a contract concluded by acts of offer and acceptance entirely within that State .
8 As far as Gloucester was concerned , it was a recognition of the fact that the north had now emerged as his main sphere of interest , and his surrender of land in East Anglia was to some extent the corollary of the consolidation of his northern interests which was taking place in the same year .
9 As far as Gloucester was concerned , it was a recognition of the fact that the north had now emerged as his main sphere of interest , and his surrender of land in East Anglia was to some extent the corollary of the consolidation of his northern interests which was taking place in the same year .
10 The initial orientation can not be predicted , but reversal after a few seconds ' observation always takes place in the same way .
11 By the end of The Order of Things , however , he revises this somewhat conventional thesis to suggest that what was involved was not so much a move from a static to a historical view of things as the break-up of a common , unified historical time-scheme in which every phenomenon had had its place in the same space and chronology .
12 Suddenly the scale becomes that of a cathedral , and it 's not fanciful to put the spirituality of the place in the same category .
13 If Alison Watt , poor little sausage , had measured the Queen Mum from ear to ear , and got everything in the right place in the same picture , people would probably tell her she was a genius .
14 Furthermore it was suggested to her mother that Kim 's activity and feeding the baby always took place in the same room so that her mother could provide verbal prompts and on-going comments .
15 The conferences always took place in the same room ( the Salle des Fêtes in the Elysée ) and followed a very formal procedure .
16 Apart from indicating past , present , and future reference , each past or future reference is marked to show whether the event in question is immediately connected to the present , is separated from it by a period of time but taking place on the same day , or is separated from the present by at least one night .
17 And this battle took place on the same day that King Henry in retreat from Wales rode through Shrewsbury , the 14th day of September .
18 In the legislative elections which took place on the same day , Jawara 's People 's Progressive Party ( PPP ) secured 25 of the 36 directly elected seats in the House of Representatives , six fewer than at dissolution .
19 To say that the death of the pigs did not take place on the same occasion at all and has nothing to do with the miracle .
20 The earliest form was the one-sided station , in which arrival and departure took place on the same side .
21 For this pattern the crossover should take place on the same line , not alternating as the previous example .
22 The skiing does n't stretch even as far as advanced intermediate , but reports of dedicated tuition in perfect English and high sunshine levels in a place on the same latitude as Rome make this an excellent first-timer 's choice .
23 In the women 's movement , too , a significant revolution took place over the same decade .
24 In some cases competition and training may take place at the same facility , in others at separate facilities .
25 For example , a 30 second live report which is due to take place at the same time as Martina Navratilova is about to serve for the match can be both a reporter 's dream and a producer 's nightmare .
26 Nevertheless , species are real things , with real discontinuities between them — at least if we confine ourselves to sexual organisms living in the same place at the same time .
27 It argued that public-sector resources were substantial , ‘ but efforts need to be pulled together more effectively , and brought to bear in the same place at the same time ’ ( ibid .
28 He was well placed in the cotton industry and it gave him a generous income ; therefore it had to take precedence , but the monotony of arriving at the same place at the same time every day now bored him as much as had the mechanical frenzy of the bobbins when he arrived .
29 An advantage of this system is that work can commence much earlier than in the traditional system because much of the design work will take place at the same time as the actual construction .
30 This ceremony takes place at the same time as the annual celebration for the freedom of the city by 38 Regiment of the Royal Engineers .
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