Example sentences of "although at [art] [noun sg] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 But although at every opportunity he was continuing to urge a role for the Church in both social and economic matter , his attitude towards specific political events was still a tentative one ; there was always a gap between his theoretical pronouncements and his actual reactions to one " crisis " or another .
2 Although at the surface there are only flat green fields , underneath a pillar of chalk was found pushing up some 200 feet through the Tertiary , like an igneous intrusion .
3 In a sense , history is repeating itself in that the sequence of development in the past has also contained local ‘ boom ’ elements such as kelp gathering in the 19th century or the bulb growing schemes in the 1960's , both of which foundered in response to changes in external economic imperatives , although at the outset there were high hopes that unique local resources i.e. seaweed and disease-free sandy soils , would provide enduring employment opportunities .
4 The beneficiary is twice described as a legatee , although at the beginning we are told that she acquired per fideicommissum .
5 Although at the time they were made up of an apparently infinite chain of familiar days , I can think of them now only as a whole .
6 particularly erm , and one of things that I did find in Gaugin 's painting of Von Gogh was that erm , er , erm , depression really , I , I could see it there and the des desolation very much as if he was looking in on somebody who was in that position er , although at the time I do n't thing Gaugin and , er Von Gogh himself knew it
7 Although at the time he was ‘ not a great fan of industrial specialism' , his views have changed .
8 " Able-Oboe-Charlie " was the aircrew phonetics used by the early Pathfinders to identify their Commandant , although at the time he was officially a Commander of the Pathfinder Force , with the acting rank of group captain under the control of No 3 Group for day-to-day administration .
9 His shock resignation was shrouded in mystery , although at the time his reasons were given as being ‘ personal and due to family matters . ’
10 Although at the time it was seen as no more than the correction of an anomaly , only at the Labour Party 's annual conference in 1979 was the formal position of the Leader of the Parliamentary Labour Party brought into line with the de facto position by his being accorded the title of ‘ Leader of the Labour Party ’ .
11 So George , a carpenter , bought his primary school teacher wife her first ewes , although at the time she admitted ‘ not knowing one end of a sheep from the other . ’
12 Payne has , since 1982 , been based in Leeds as general administrator ( operatic parlance for ‘ managing director ’ ) of the Opera North , although at the moment his name is being much whispered in connection with higher things in foreign places , such as the Metropolitan Opera in New York .
13 Hopefully , he will pull through although at the moment he is a perfect illustration that rugby league 's vaunted reputation for picking talent and making hard-headed business decisions is so much hot air .
14 Although at the moment it is up to you to decide what form of updating you would like to undertake , it would be useful to look at any developments in your area aimed at your special interest , and to find out from employers what they might expect from you in advance of offering you a job .
15 For umbrellas she supposed , although at the moment it was empty .
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