Example sentences of "although there have been a " in BNC.

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1 Although there had been a 6 per cent swing from ‘ right ’ to ‘ left ’ between the two elections the former were still in a clear majority .
2 Although there had been a long established tradition of community and private forestry schemes , it was not until the launching of the Saemol Undong ( or New Community Movement ) in 1970 that it was possible to conceive of a nation-wide forestry policy and programme .
3 On the current market situation Mr Peel noted that Old Masters continued to be the strongest area , although there had been a reduction in both size of sales and prices realised in some areas .
4 Grain imports would be necessary , he said , although there had been a fall in the Soviet oil revenues used to pay for them .
5 Although there had been a light summer shower earlier in the evening , it was now a warm , clear night with just a soft breeze rustling the ropes and canvas of the small boats berthed in the marina far below .
6 Although there 's been a lot of interest in the Bath exhibition , Roles has found that his radical approach to the medium has made it hard to get his work established in this country .
7 This has certainly been the case in Liverpool , where truancy prosecutions and care proceedings per annum fell by 40 per cent between 1981 and 1987 — although there has been a slight increase over the past couple of years .
8 Although there has been a growing amount of evidence that rewarding good behaviour can be far more effective in maintaining pupil discipline than punishing bad behaviour , and despite official encouragement for rewarding , there has been found to be ‘ a continuing emphasis ’ on punishments .
9 Although there has been a proliferation in inner-city innovations in the 1980s , there can be little doubt that enterprise zones , together with Urban Development Corporations ( see Chapter 6 ) , have been the most significant of initiatives .
10 ‘ People are definitely spending seriously although there has been a late build-up to Christmas . ’
11 In fact , he totally underestimated the difficulties he would have to face : in the 18 months since the APB was set up , the economic climate and spectacular corporate failures such as BCCI and Maxwell have left the public baying for auditors ' blood , and , although there has been a honeymoon period — somewhat extended recently by publication of the McFarlane Report — the pressure under which the new body has had to work has been intense .
12 However , although there has been a substantial rise in the number of private shareholders in the UK , many investors have sold their shares immediately after the purchase .
13 Although there has been a radical management shake-up and there have been improvements in organisation and efficiency , the fundamental ethos of the NHS — provision of medical service free at the point of use — has remained unchanged .
14 Although there has been a great song and dance about his supposedly suspect temperament this season , I ca n't fault it .
15 Although there has been a recent escalation in the introduction of legislation we are all aware that the educational climate has gradually changed ever since former Prime Minister Jim Callaghan 's historic speech at Ruskin College in 1976 when he instituted the Great Debate .
16 Problems abound in measuring income distribution and although there has been a reversal in equality trends since the mid-1970s , middle-class identity in Japan is more closely related to earning middling incomes than attachment to class specific values .
17 Although there has been a generally stable long-term distribution pattern at the regional level , closer inspection reveals that since the industrial revolution growth has not been uniform across the country .
18 And although there has been a great deal of argument as to the cause , very few people would deny that Britain is in a state of decline . ’
19 There is some evidence that committee members feel themselves less fettered by party ties in committee than on the floor of the House although there has been a tendency for party loyalty to reassert itself if the report is debated .
20 Although there has been a settlement of some sort at North Shields since the Middle Ages , the modern town is a product of the addition of industrial capitalism to mercantile capitalism .
21 Although there has been a vast selection of beautiful waterlilies in cultivation for many years , some of the rarer varieties are slower in producing the development of ‘ eyes ’ on the rootstock that eventually provides the cuttings to propagate new plants , This is why the more desirable lilies are always more expensive .
22 Although there has been a substantial move away from the building of three or more bedroom houses in recent years , they still accounted for 60 per cent of the total housing stock in 1986 compared with nearly three-quarters a decade earlier ( Housing and Construction Statistics 1976–1986 , Table 6.8 , 1987 ) .
23 Less is known however about the impact of second homes on the local environment , and although there has been a good deal of speculation about their impacts , as shown in Table 7.5 , there are few hard or agreed empirical data to back this up .
24 Although there has been a good response so far to the environmental technology innovation scheme , there are no plans to increase the current allocation of £12 million .
25 Although there has been a slight fall in the numbers of people in local authority care in the past 10 years , there has been a remarkable increase in the numbers of people cared for in what is described as the private sector — in the homes run as nursing or residential care homes .
26 It is clear from the analysis of both statistical sources and from the questionnaire that although there has been a steady decline in larger manufacturing organisations , there has been a corresponding increase in much smaller manufacturing companies .
27 Council staff say that although there has been a general increase in nonpayment in the region most non-payers are on the electoral roll .
28 In the past , many researchers have tended to underplay the problems that arose in the process of research in case they affected the evaluation of their results , although there have been a few ex post disclosures in books intended to show social research as often a messy enterprise ( Bell and Newby 1977 ; Bell and Roberts 1984 ) .
29 We have not yet succeeded in creating reliable reproduction of touch , taste or smell , although there have been a few experiments .
30 This was the first survey to attempt to study a nationally representative sample of those who were caring for the sick , elderly and handicapped , although there have been a variety of small local surveys and qualitative investigations of this topic .
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