Example sentences of "although [pron] is [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Although there is little sign of it at present , the two funding bodies may eventually merge .
2 Amongst these are two significantly older churches at Upper Witton , the first near the canal with a rather short spire and the other set amidst a cemetery although there is little peace here these days as the M6 crosses back over .
3 Although there is little criticism of the foundation 's decision to support such research , other medical charities argue that its explicit exclusion of research on animals may encourage other smaller research-funding bodies to take a similar stand , a move that could make life increasingly difficult for medical researchers .
4 Its estimates of job losses in the ferry ports are still broadly accepted although there is little evidence of much decline as yet .
5 As was intimated in the introduction , although there is little evidence to suggest that sexual behaviour changed greatly in the period , the feeling remained for many people at the time that this was nevertheless what was happening .
6 Although men who were retained for life by a great magnate had an obligation to serve him in peace and war , and although there is little evidence about how the sub-contractors recruited their troops , neither the magnate captains nor their sub-contractors seem to have encountered much difficulty in persuading men to serve .
7 Enclosure of common land , invasion of common rights and engrossing of farms were among the complaints put forward in the Norfolk rising , and there was also a demand for the ending of serfdom , although there is little evidence that there were still many men of villein status .
8 Although there is little evidence that any treatment changes the natural course of osteonecrosis , early diagnosis is important to be able to recommend the patient possible new job training , etc .
9 Although there is little documentary evidence , it has been suggested that the mill , in conjunction with those at Cambridge and Moreton Valance , could have been used for the production of brass pins .
10 Derbend grade rugs may be separated into Daghestans and Mikrans , although there is little difference in quality between the two , Kazak-grade rugs are rarely , if ever , divided into sub-grades .
11 Outside working hours Andy still likes to paddle although there is little time in the summer .
12 Although there is little agreement about their role , they seem to have had slightly more specialized duties .
13 Daytime and mixed day and night wetters have certain aetiological differences from night wetters , although there is much overlap : they are more likely to have had an adverse perinatal history , their bladder capacity tends to be smaller , and they are more likely to suffer urinary tract infection .
14 TWO options have been put forward in the literature : ( 1 ) Sivapithecus is related to humans , which has little support ; and ( 2 ) Sivapithecus is related to the orang-utan. both of these may be combined with the third possibility that the orang-utan is the nearest living relative to humans , although there is much evidence against this proposition ( Box 1 ) .
15 Although there is enough food there to feed 800,000 starving people for one month , most of it can not get through because of looters and bandits .
16 As to the question of lower earnings paid in rural than in urban areas for the same industries , four reasons can be suggested for this , although there is some overlap with the earlier discussion of low agricultural wages .
17 The exclusion clauses which may be incorporated into contracts between firms and their customers may conveniently be divided into three types , although there is some overlap between them .
18 For example , some assume that mastery is an all-or-nothing state and set the standard at 100 per cent although there is some flexibility depending on the nature of the errors made , if these are few .
19 These results show how common it is for small mammals to become trapped in pitfalls , and although there is some selection in species trapped , depending on local circumstances , the degree of bias is less than might be expected .
20 Although there is some variation from area to area , each committee is made up of representatives of the key agencies who carry sufficient authority to act on their agency 's behalf .
21 Unlike their western counterparts , trade unions in Soviet bloc Eastern European countries are markedly different kinds of organisation and , although there is some diversity along national lines , they are essentially variants of a single type .
22 Although there is some laxity in the use of the term , ‘ broadside ’ or ‘ broadsheet ’ should properly be applied only to a complete , undivided large sheet , printed on one side .
23 The first eight chapters principally concern comparative aspects of industrial relations in advanced , market-type economies in Western Europe , the USA , Japan and Australia although there is some discussion of the role of trade unions in communist countries and of the Yugoslav self-management system .
24 Most of the printed newsbooks now attributed to Mabbott 's editorship were probably not written by him , although there is some evidence that he may have had a hand in The Perfect Diurnall ( 1642–55 ) , edited by Samuel Pecke .
25 Although the traditional concept of the map is changing , paper maps will continue to be widely used , because their use requires low technology ( a pair of eyes , or even one eye ) , they are cheap to produce in large quantities , easy to store , and are well understood by the map-using community , although there is some evidence that many people are unable to relate the pattern on a map to the corresponding real-world features .
26 Similar findings have been demonstrated in Kock 's continent ileostomy reservoirs , although there is some evidence to suggest reversion to almost normal intestinal mucosa occurs in these adbominal reservoirs after 15 years .
27 These are believed to result , at least in part , from sewage pollution , although there is some evidence that nutrients are also coming in from the open sea .
28 Nothing has been changed within the cabin below deck and the wheelhouse , although there is some evidence of modern technology .
29 Although there is some experience of contracting in such services as catering and cleaning , the scale of the programme set out in the White Paper is of a different order .
30 Examples can be found in the research literature on elderly people , where it is reported that those without children tend to form equivalent ties with whichever kin are available , typically a niece or nephew , although there is some doubt about whether such a person can properly be expected to provide such extensive or reliable support as a ‘ real ’ child ( Townsend , 1965 ; Allan , 1983 ; Wenger , 1984 ) .
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