Example sentences of "when [pers pn] was [v-ing] on " in BNC.

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1 And I would dare those of you who would look up the newspaper clippings of that occasion and challenge that view , because you would find a much different reading in those newspaper clips than what I learnt many years later , trudging round the island , Personally I thought that I was being particularly clever bombing a seaplane that was taking off , It was only when I was serving on Sylt in the fifties that I learned that this was in fact a tug ( or you might call it a barge , a sea-going barge ) on the end of 100 metres of line , that was being towed .
2 I had the idea for this design one day when I was working on some embroidery .
3 We met in 1963 when I was working on the Daily Express 's William Hickey column , and Peter was writing on the Sunday Express .
4 I remember when I was working on the building sites in Manchester , the Irish lads called onions " navvies ' apples " and some of them would peel them and eat them whole like fruit .
5 ‘ It was when I was working on Wildlife Safari to Argentina , filming in a subtropical province in the north , that I got this lump on my back .
6 I I I got a little bit involved in that a few years ago , when I was working on it , having had some scepticism before-hand .
7 But one day when she was sitting on the branch , it broke , and she fell .
8 If Anne reminded me of a gazelle , then Mrs. Constantine was like a snake : supple and seemingly without bones , smooth , lustrous , with wicked black eyes like stones and shining black hair twisted up into a knot on top of her head and a wide , wide mouth with disturbingly red lips and a flickering tongue that darted out to lick the crimson lips when she was concentrating on the cards .
9 I remember when he was trying on shoes for himself .
10 It was only when he was lying on his pallet bed trying to pray and not be distracted by Benedicta 's fair face , that Athelstan suddenly remembered what Vincentius had said .
11 When he was World Champion in sports cars , driving Jaguars for Walkinshaw , Brundle was the soul and embodiment of unostentation , a steady King 's Lynn lad who dutifully wore the team 's Silk Cut blazer and a squaddie' short back and sides when he was appearing on team duty .
12 As always , he did not think the lectures successful although he had tried to avoid all social engagements in February when he was working on them , he had still been distracted by rehearsals for The Family Reunion .
13 Partly Byzantine and partly Romanesque , it was altered in the Gothic period by Arnolfo di Cambio when he was working on the cathedral .
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