Example sentences of "when [pers pn] [verb] [pron] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The 43-year-old dance king who grew up in Hartlepool , says : ‘ I was in plaster for five weeks when I injured my knee ligaments .
2 I ca n't tell you what I felt like when I got your letter yesterday .
3 There were times when I feared our house was lost for ever .
4 The fire beside the storage tent and cook-house was still burning and trays were being carried to tents and houses when I made my way across the sand wrapped in shawls against the cold .
5 Because of shouting by Opposition Members when I made my statement , I was not able to point out that the increase in the ratio of total Government expenditure to gross domestic product , both central and local , is only half a percentage point next year .
6 ‘ I 'll know when I get his report . ’
7 you 're turning sourpuss as well , ho , ho , ho , no I suppose not , she 's coming to pick it up at four thirty , that 's when I get my money which is very nice .
8 Dad says he will get me more Meccano at Christmas , but I want to buy a pulley and those thick flange-plates in Wylie Hills on Saturday when I get my pocket money . ’
9 It was when I took my jacket off and stood before a mirror and saw for the first time that all I was was a pair of scarlet braces , that I realised that evangelism was n't enough .
10 no tail oh dear oh dear but you see then of course and I was still not married but you see I , as I say , then I went to Cambridge and that 's when I met my husband and all his family were so kind to me , er he had erm two sisters living in a flat round the backs , you 've heard of round the backs
11 You know when I brought my board in , I probably had that to prop it up while er
12 I mean , I remember when I told my mother I wanted to be a designer she said , ‘ Oh , that is a good thing , because it shows you are not a snob ’ . ’
13 ‘ He was fourteen when I married his father , and that 's twenty years ago — which makes him thirty-four years of age now . ’
14 I do n't feel poor — not when I remember our childhood ! — but of course I am by her standards .
15 What the bank does when I present my report is , of course , the bank 's business . "
16 I never committed those when I signed my contract . ’
17 ‘ There was a time when I coloured my hair , ’ he says .
18 that was when I burnt my arm
19 After the first day , his manner had thawed , and , no doubt refreshed by his dip in the river , he was in good enough spirits when I had my talk with him .
20 Then one time when I put my hand in my sleeve to bring out the compass , it was n't there .
21 It was 4.55 when I left his consulting room .
22 And the the question before them , and therefore before me in r considering the objections , is whether or not these sites are part of the general extent of greenbelt around the village , or are a part of this village er which does not as a whole perform a greenbelt function , and that 's what I 'm looking at when I make my site visit .
23 What ye are afterwards to do I will tell ye to-morrow , when I make my testament .
24 That 's why when I hear my daughter talking about getting fifteen or twenty K a year I 'm going it would pay me two or three years for God 's sake .
25 And if I have no chance before I am born , what chance do I have when I live my life ?
26 I know you 'll understand when I say my husband 's a one for the usquebaugh , I was about to correct him with the pressure-cooker once but I remembered my Victorian values just in time .
27 I received a straightforward message recently when I telephoned her flat for a chat : ‘ Elizabeth says she 's busy . ’
28 Well again going back to when I started my time etcetera .
29 I remember when I started my training I work with this girl and I said where 'd you come from and she said I come from the most boring town in Britain , I says where Grantham ? , she says yeah , I says is it boring , she says yeah huh , it is
30 One day when I changed my aunt 's library book for her the girl handed me At Mrs Lippincote 's , the first novel of a new author , published that year .
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