Example sentences of "small [adj] [noun sg] at the " in BNC.

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1 The one person whose placement broke down ( WG ) moved to a large institution and then to a small private home at the last datapoint , where her level of participation shows some decrement .
2 He threw a small private party at the Turnberry Hotel and he invited me .
3 And here and there , a small private groan at the harshness of the Chancellor 's economic message could be heard clearly .
4 The male , like that of T. canis , has a small finger-like process at the tip of the tail .
5 It was a small back room at the back of the house , little more than a box , but when she pressed down the switch of the low-voltage nursery light she felt again a glow of maternal , proprietorial pride .
6 Haroun had been given a small separate room at the end of the hut , as befitted a VIP .
7 When ripe these pear-shaped fungi are filled with dust-like spores which pour out of the small central opening at the slightest movement .
8 In a high-backed uncomfortable chair in Lord Southdown 's small dark study at the back of the house , Charles sat stiffly to hear the formal complaints about his soldier 's misdemeanours .
9 There is a small walled garden at the front .
10 They were closed , but just beyond them he cut the engine and drew up to a short flight of steps with a small studded door at the top .
11 In fact , it covered only a small bald patch at the front of his hairline .
12 As these boxes had a small square opening at the back , glazed with opal glass , the Oyster lamps were removed .
13 He looked surprised at the scene that confronted him , with Gabriel screaming , Coffin silent in the road staring at the van with the small tense figure at the window .
14 The small untidy garden at the back of Merrill 's flat faced south , trapping the warmth between its old brick walls .
15 North Cave boasts two public houses : the White Hart on Westgate , built in 1776 , but much altered at the front , was one of the main coaching inns in the mid 19th century ; and the Black Swan on Church Street , rebuilt in 1813 , where ladies could buy bonnets and trimmings in a little shop in the small single-storied part at the far end .
16 Carson led the way into the small brick and concrete building , along the corridors to the small green-painted interview-room at the rear .
17 Each pectoral has a vertical orange band and there is a small orange spot at the end of the dorsal fin near the caudal peduncle .
18 The question to whom the omelette and the statue belong is another matter , and Salmond pointed out that the attempts of the older lawyers to transplant the Roman law of specificatio , confusio and the like to our system are of small practical use at the present day .
19 The dashed lines on the neck in fig.2 show the positions for the neck muscle blocks , but neither these nor the small triangular piece at the base of the neck are fitted until after the head has been carved and fitted to the body .
20 She still huddled in her small silent way at the top of her cage , watching the trees and sky and never looking at the Zoo , the people , or the other eagles .
21 Out of the small sitting area at the end of the corridor Gwendolen Figgis-Hewett darted like a vixen from cover .
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