Example sentences of "before going [adv] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 So before going ahead with photography stand back and assess whether editors will really be able to use the picture you are planning .
2 SOCIAL service chiefs were yesterday urged to speak to the operators of a gipsy site before going ahead with redevelopment plans .
3 Clear the screen before going on to Step 1 below .
4 Rather than rooting out a selection of screwdrivers before going away from base , the pack and ‘ T ’ handle were thrown in .
5 I might have read , checked papers before going up to bed .
6 I did my homework on PWS before going round to dinner .
7 Ducks swam about on the lake , beside which we would sometimes sit of a summer evening after supper , before going back on duty .
8 As soon as school was finished we used to rush back to her house and start on our homework immediately , so as to have an hour or so for the passeggiata before going back for supper and finishing off .
9 Then I came back to the courts at Bisham again before going back to school again at 3pm for history and then I come back and play again afterwards .
10 A coach back to the team 's hotel gave him enough time for a shower and snack lunch before going back to work — more throw downs , a second net against the quicks , and a burst of fielding practice before dusk set in .
11 Sal , who was working shifts in a cafe on the Commercial Road , went back to work on Boxing Day , and Grace remained on duty at the London hospital throughout the so-called holiday , while Kitty mooched around checking on everyone else 's presents before going back to bed .
12 Moved by such squalor , volunteers from HMS Gloucester renovated an orphanage in just eleven hours , before going back to sea and action stations .
13 This was no mean achievement for the son of immigrant parents , and for a man who had left school five years before going back to college .
14 Nails was generally asleep not long after ten , preferring to get up when the sun did , take Firelight out and clean up her stable and do his running practice before going home for breakfast .
15 He 'd want to spend some of my hard-saved eighty-five pounds ( less rail £7.50 , £3.75 hair-cut , £5 for Scabby Woman and B 'n' B £14 — plus bits of loose change ) before going home to Mum .
16 I happened to look in on the Private Office before going home in order to see whether there was anything I ought to take account of .
17 He continued to drink quietly for another hour before going in to dinner .
18 They were sitting in the study at home , toasting by the fire before going in to dinner .
19 They spend the next hour or so chatting before going in for lunch .
20 A year later , having done a super job as Editorial Assistant before going off to university last autumn , we finally got around to organising the lesson !
21 She thought she was rather like a mother , making sure a child had eaten before going off to school , did not scruple to say , " Are you sure you 've had enough ?
22 By the time I was ten , Granpa allowed me to lay out the morning wares on the barrow before going off to school for the day .
23 Males , therefore , generally wait until the female has started to lay her eggs before going off in search of a second mate , since females rarely mate again once laying has begun .
24 The company before going out of business entered into a " block discounting " agreement with the finance house .
25 Remaining lines receive the general rolling stock , ranging from North London four-wheelers to the latest sleeping and dining saloons , all receive final attention here before going out into service . ’
26 " I believe in the instinctive wisdom of our well-tried democracy , " declared Churchill in 1945 — shortly before going down to election defeat .
27 His season was cut to just four races , the first three of which he won impressively before going down to Forest Sun in the Rendlesham Hurdle at Kempton already suffering from a bug .
28 Try and do something about your face before going down to dinner . ’
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