Example sentences of "before [v-ing] for a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Second time around was more impressive with the Swilers overwhelmed 61–7 as outside-half Gareth Rees provided four tries and eight conversions before returning for a second season of club rugby in France .
2 Skinner continued in that appointment at Munsterlager and Catterick , before returning for a third tour in Northern Ireland , during which he was again mentioned in despatches .
3 It is designed to help each applicant to make an informed decision before applying for a particular programme of study .
4 Through the village , the road into Barbondale rises sharply before contouring for a level mile along the side of Barbon Low Fell , new plantings of conifers permitting only glimpses of Barbon Manor high on the left .
5 Lord C told her to take a spot of leave before reporting for a short parachute course .
6 Off then for a drive around the edges of Constable country where the scenery was very impressive , before stopping for a welcome cup of tea before the return journey home .
7 Before reaching for a celebratory pack of full-fat peanuts , a question strikes me : perhaps my level is too low ?
8 After an admirable talk by Geoffrey in the morning , we were all given the afternoon off before reassembling for a hula-hula party in the evening ( when off duty , staid Scottish lawyers are inclined to let their hair down even further than their English counterparts ) .
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