Example sentences of "during and [prep] the [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 In-fighting characterized the ailing PCF before , during and after the 29th party conference , which coincided with the party 's 70th anniversary on Dec. 20 , 1990 .
2 These definitions were consolidated further through public policies put into operation during and after the Second World War .
3 He had evoked in extreme measure and focused upon himself many irrational , but none the less real and strong , feelings of selfless devotion , sacrifice , and passionate commitment to a national ideal — emotions which had developed enormous , elemental force during and after the First World War .
4 Mabbott was also employed to supply news to the borough of Hull from 1652 to 1656 , during and after the first Anglo-Dutch war .
5 First , the winning of civil rights during and after the eighteenth century : in a number of important cases the courts developed the doctrine that the individual was free to do anything which was not made unlawful by a specific law ; and the corollary of this approach was that the state could not interfere with the civil and political liberties of its citizens ( in those days ‘ subjects ’ ) unless the government could persuade Parliament to pass legislation authorising the interference .
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