Example sentences of "within [art] [adj] years [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Jackson was the first Presidential candidate , 1988 , to plead and repeat the plight of 650,000 American farmers losing their farms within the eight years of Reagan 's reign .
2 In short , Winckelmann epitomizes an intimate relationship between classical scholarship on the one hand and living culture and thought on the other.And in this he was renewing a tradition which had once existed ( albeit primarily outside Germany ) : the Renaissance tradition , which had weakened during the intervening centuries , and which was to lapse again almost beyond recall within the hundred years after his death .
3 Within a hundred years of the missionaries ' arrival many English men and women had enthusiastically adopted the monasticism which was considered the purest form of the Christian life and the surest way to salvation , and which had spread throughout western Europe in the fifth and sixth centuries .
4 At its very inception , the world was hot , but within a billion years of its origin , parts of it at least were at the kinds of temperatures in which complex organic chemistry could take place .
5 Entrants then work in a variety of units and can expect promotion within a few years to lance-corporal and corporal .
6 In any case it succumbed within a few years to the stresses of the Seven Years War , and was not revived until 1775 .
7 ‘ His former students will within a few years of graduation be earning a salary twice that of his , ’ the report says .
8 ( More often than not they are women , since many elderly male refugees from East African have died within a few years of coming to Britain . )
9 Within a few years of this last attempt by an emperor to rally the Roman empire to paganism , a Greek bishop could speak of Julian 's pagan revival as a misguided attempt to introduce ‘ novelties ’ in place of the traditional religion ; but at much the same time in the West , Christians were still regarded as outside the mainstream of respectable upper-class culture , as the foolish minority who rejected the wise and hallowed traditions of their forefathers which had made Rome great .
10 There was a genuine dilemma and conservatives like Spurgeon could , if they had wanted , cite a famous precedent : St Francis of Assisi never disguised his hostility towards learning yet , within a few years of his death , his new Order was dominating much of Europe 's University life .
11 Peter Hall and Trevor Nunn made their reputations within a few years of leaving Cambridge .
12 Within a few years of closure , the mill pond was filled in and much of the mill 's machinery removed .
13 As the article correctly acknowledges , generally magnox fuel must be reprocessed within a few years of discharge from a reactor , from an advanced gas-cooled reactor ( AGR ) , fuel may be stored underwater for somewhat longer periods and for much longer in a dry store .
14 ‘ Citation frequency within a few years of publication is a reliable indicator of a paper 's lifetime citation expectancy . ’
15 Within a few years of transfer to the South Metropolitan system , all these cars had the headlamps moved from the canopy front to the usual position on the dash , one reason being that it enabled them to carry advertisements in the same positions as the rest of the fleet .
16 The bank is looking for someone canny — not to say extremely gifted — who has developed the right skills in a reasonably sized corporate environment within a few years of qualifying .
17 Originally ascribed to the 1660s it now seems highly likely that they date from the 1630s and were made within a few years of each other .
18 It broke up within a few years of Anselm 's death under the impact of forces which were too strong for it .
19 Within a few years of Karak Eight Peaks ' fall the Night Goblins had settled permanently in the ruins and split into many tribes based around the adjoining mountains and the tunnels that ran beneath them .
20 Under the legislation this was not in fact required ( only the Boards as a whole were required to break even ‘ taking one year with another ’ ) , but Citrine and his senior colleagues believed that it was a desirable principle that each Board should break even , and within a few years of nationalisation this was also tacitly accepted by the Boards .
21 In any case , one or another form of ‘ Christianity ’ must have reached Britain within a few years of the time specified by Gildas .
22 The escalating cost of these tax benefits would be checked within a few years of this policy being implemented .
23 But within a few years of the end of the war , responsibility for trunk roads , gas , electricity , national assistance and hospital services had been transferred from local to central government control .
24 Within a few years of this edition Hopkins was firmly established in the canon of English poetry .
25 Within a few years of the introduction of the Dip.AD , it became apparent that all was not well and discontent in some of the art colleges culminated in the so-called ‘ revolution ’ of 1968 which centred on the then Hornsey and Guildford Colleges of Art .
26 How the serious issues emerged within a few years of the miracle of Heliodorus is the question .
27 That element had been a twentieth-century discovery and , within a few years of its first refinement , had been used in new and more powerful weapons of destruction .
28 Generally , the operational data ( that is the policy records ) were destroyed within a few years of their fulfilment .
29 The V&A , we are told , set aside 50 per cent of its objects are required within a few years of their manufacture .
30 In spite of an inauspicious beginning , Laura and Bernard succeeded within a few years in developing an absorbing private life in their adopted country .
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