Example sentences of "always been [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 So said Lizzie and Maria and Ethel , whose marriages had always been conducted along the lines of a pitched battle .
2 The remaining 42 vessels have always been registered in the United Kingdom , but were purchased by the companies in question on various dates , mainly since 1983 .
3 This effectiveness-centred approach has not always been accepted outside the Modular Course .
4 Yet this exceedingly sensible system has not always been applied in an even-handed manner .
5 It was administratively feasible because Dutch industrial relations had always been characterised by a relatively high degree of centralised control over the bargaining process , together with a weak position of the trade unions at shop floor level.8 Also , in that particular period , the country had been ruled by governments which by virtue of their composition and policies were able to secure trade union cooperation ( Albeda , 1971 ) .
6 And oddly enough , that discussion and analysis has always been coloured by the extra-linguistic ideology of sexual difference and male superiority .
7 Council houses were sold and buses ‘ deregulated ’ ( although the housing association sector seems set to expand dramatically in the 1990s ) , but the bulk of existing public housing remained in council hands , and public transport has always been run on a semi-market basis , with the charging of fares coupled with separately identified public subsidy .
8 The Torbay line has always been run as a large-scale people mover and minimalist operation since the DVR took over the line in 1973 , but this stance failed to deliver the desired profitable results in 1991 .
9 More generally , creation has always been understood as an act of God 's grace , something He could perfectly well have chosen not to do , rather than some kind of necessary mechanism through which He ensured His own existence .
10 For it has always been said of the eucharist that precisely it is not a play about the last supper — in which case the celebrant had best be male and semitic in appearance .
11 Classification had always been based on the recognition of structural resemblances , and the advent of evolutionism merely transposed this enterprise into a search for real ( i.e. historical ) rather than purely formal relationships .
12 Finally , our success has always been based upon a sound strategic platform . ’
13 History has always been conceived as the movement of a resumption of history , as a detour between two presences .
14 The depiction of battle has always been tempered by the social climate , as Ann Kodicek discovers in her study of war art past and present .
15 The depiction of battle has always been tempered by the social climate , as Ann Kodicek discovers in her study of war art past and present .
16 It was surprising because the group had always been perceived as a solid fourpiece and Charman was often vociferous during interviews .
17 The pleasure of the theme park , then , is that of a voluptuously total immersion in what had always been perceived as an exclusively visual experience .
18 The FCC competition has helped to concentrate the minds of everyone in the broadcast industry on the digital technology which has always been employed by the computer industry .
19 Historians have always been fascinated by the decline of political parties .
20 I 'd always been fascinated by the people who live on the skid rows of our cities — the ones we regard as the scum of the earth .
21 People have always been fascinated by the question of animal consciousness , because both pets and wild animals arouse our admiration and curiosity .
22 Elite theorists have always been fascinated by the phenomenon of political leadership , an orientation already reflected in their accounts of modern input politics which accord a primary role to political entrepreneurs in building up lobby groups or social movements , and to party leaders in shaping the development of mass ‘ public opinion ’ .
23 I have always been struck by the role of particular cit.es in certain works which have conveyed a very exact sense of historical location , e.g. Manchester appears in this way in accounts as diverse as those of De Toqueville and Engels , and Spring 's enormously popular novels of the 1930s .
24 In fact , even before the days of plate tectonics , I have always been struck by the paucity of oceanic sediments in the continental areas .
25 Mr Fitton yesterday made clear that he had always been acting in an independent capacity in the offer for Eagle , and that it had no connection with Braithwaite .
26 Thus , patients were not always being admitted to hospital and , when admitted , had not always been referred to a psychiatrist .
27 Movies had always been made about the past , of course , if not so very frequently about that immediate past whose primary unit of measure is the decade rather than the century ; but it was probably Visconti 's The Damned in 1969 that inaugurated what were to be the definitive parameters of a new filmic style .
28 Provision for the subsistence of those no longer working has always been made by the community .
29 He ends by dismissing abstract art as leading , by its own logic , back to the blank canvas which once again requires the painter to put something on it : ‘ but with the knowledge that the greatest painting has always been made from a real love of the object ’ .
30 In fact the Minke whale , the smallest species , has always been hunted with a non-explosive grenade .
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