Example sentences of "always [vb -s] [art] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 To achieve this aim , the CAP always guarantees a price for certain types of produce , so that , even if the produce sells at a poor price or is not sold at all , the farmer receives the going rate .
2 Cabinet business always involves a mixture of political and specialist ( or administrative ) considerations .
3 Finally , a comparison essay always involves a decision about how to organise the comparison .
4 Thus both the case law and the academic commentary displays considerable diversity of opinion on whether , for example , the application of statutory terms to facts always involves a question of law or not .
5 A Task Force of the APA 's Division of the Psychology of Women , for instance , has recognized , as feminists in other social and natural sciences have done , that feminists ' position in the mainstream discipline always involves a degree of marginality ( Lott 1985 ) .
6 Starting with cost reduction any cost reduction programme always involves a lot of redundancy and , and this is no exception and from the slide you 'll see that we 've er we 've had a staff reduction er , from the the plan for this year of one thousand and thirty three er and that 's the , that will save us in a full year something like fifteen point nine , sixteen million pounds .
7 Hostel accommodation almost always involves the sharing of basic facilities such as bathrooms and kitchens .
8 This always offers an opportunity for someone to attempt to see these serious conflagrations in a wider context , and this has been taken by Dr Grace Simpson as evidence of an uprising of the tribes of Wales ( Simpson , 1964 ) , although the archaeological support from other sites is very tenuous .
9 The significant feature of this use is the fact that the infinitive always evokes a type of behaviour which is characteristic of someone or something .
10 Netting always produces a number of damaged fish , which come to the surface dead or dying , and these provide easy prey for the eagles and cormorants .
11 First of all , unlike the -ing form , the infinitive always produces a representation of an event seen as a whole , i.e. either as a single instant of a state-like event or as a movement from the beginning limit to the end of an action-like one ( cf.
12 Thus , between them , the legal and interactionist conceptions illustrate the point that crime , however relativistically it is viewed , always incorporates the assumption of the naturalness of human motivation towards it .
13 and my brother Glen , he 's ver he 's , he 's forgetful , he 's very forgetful and he always wants a clean up the sitting room .
14 When he comes here he always visits the children in the school .
15 This bias was strengthened by the nature of a socialist regime , which always has a preference for an autarkic system , which can be controlled and ‘ planned ’ , over free trade , which is subject to the ‘ unbridled forces of the market ’ .
16 Whatever its weaknesses , Switzerland always has a couple of aces up the sleeve .
17 If you are considering buying a new outfit for the occasion Carita House always has a supply of Medau Blue garments .
18 ‘ He always has a job for us ! ’ said Pip very quietly .
19 There are some artists who rarely write their own material ( Cliff Richard is the classic example ) , and as a result , the specialist songwriter always has a place in music publishing companies .
20 A literature essay always has a focus for its subject matter ( e.g. on the novels of Angela Carter , the role of " fool " characters in drama , or the origins of free verse ) , and it also uses a particular mode of argument ( e.g. stylistic analysis , contrast and comparison , or historical contextualisation ) .
21 Carbon , for example , always has a valency of 4 whereas its oxidation number varies from -4 to +4 .
22 But the timber of woodlands always has a claim to be treated as a commercial crop , and though the making of a tree preservation order does not necessarily involve the owner in any financial loss ( isolated trees or groups of trees are usually planted expressly as an amenity ) , there are occasions when it does .
23 If the national court dealing with a question of Community law finds it particularly difficult , it always has the possibility of referring the matter to the European Court for a preliminary ruling to elucidate the matter .
24 Rigorous party discipline ensures the party government of the day nearly always has the support of its parliamentary majority in the Commons .
25 The individual must be able to convince himself that the next step is up to him and , no matter where he is staying or going , he always has the choice of leaving or turning in the opposite direction if he chooses to do so .
26 He always looks the claimant in the eye .
27 To its detriment , the traditional easel always holds the canvas at a slight backward tilt and can not easily paintings above or below a certain size .
28 To its detriment , the traditional easel always holds the canvas at a slight backward tilt and can not easily paintings above or below a certain size .
29 Even so it may be that regarding each individual , he is less likely successfully to follow right reasons which apply to him anyway if left to himself than if he always obeys the directives of a just government including those which are morally reprehensible .
30 It is generally accepted that most colorectal carcinomas arise from adenomatous tissue , which usually but not always assumes the form of polyps .
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