Example sentences of "always [vb infin] [prep] [noun sg] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 That idea is that sovereignty is something to be guarded , preserved and held in splendid isolation , the idea that we must always think of sovereignty as something that we are required to hand over , required to lose , to surrender or to sacrifice — conceding , in the words of my right hon. Friend the Member for Finchley , powers demanded by the Community .
2 He could always claim of course that he knew nothing of the layout of the engine-room and had always assumed that there had to be a reserve tank or that in a panic-stricken concern for the welfare of his beloved niece he had quite forgotten that there was no such tank .
3 There are , however , cases which suggest that the Christian communities who were potential victims of the system did not always look upon devşirme as being wholly evil .
4 I did n't know Basil very much but I shall always remember with joy and gratitude that painting course at Grantly Hall — what fun it was .
5 Do they always pay on time or are they like everyone else ?
6 It is , as Lord Renton pointed out in an address to this Society in 1990 , too much to ask that legislation should always be expressed simply ; for the complexities of modern life do not always admit of simplicity and we can not afford , in providing a code of conduct , to sacrifice certainty to simplicity .
7 However it does not always go by size but depends on the subject , as Foujita 's young girls cost much more , and the year in which it was painted makes a difference in price .
8 The only Excuse me , er no , we even had Abbot , A double B , er did n't always get in front but I think it should have done you know , you take the first letter and then you take the .
9 The area health authority and Department of Health and Social Security on the other hand contended that under the common law a minor of sufficient intelligence and understanding could always consent to treatment and that the effect of section 8 was to produce an irrebuttable presumption that a child of 16 or 17 had such intelligence and understanding .
10 Levels one and two are by far the commonest in education but there is a new type of partnership which appears to be developing and which may meet the needs of the future rather more fully than the other two — though those will always continue in existence because they fulfil real short term needs .
11 ‘ They should always check for identification and following the incident should not disclose anything to anyone without first checking with their bank direct . ’
12 Whatever I have recommended , you should always bear in mind that to a great degree tackle is a personal affair .
13 However , all businesses must always bear in mind that in Community law , privilege only attaches to communications with independent legal advisers and not with in-house Counsel .
14 One should always bear in mind that he never went back on his sympathy for the early stages of the Revolution , and his statement in 1821 , at the height of his Toryism , when he was accused of deserting France , has its own indestructible logic : ‘ You have been deluded by places and persons , while I have stuck to principles .
15 Fishkeepers should always bear in mind that the majority of their fish have over the period of evolution become adapted to live in a certain environment — sea , river , swamp , lake , etc … each with its own specific limits of water chemistry and quality .
16 One must always bear in mind that the settlement pattern of England 's industrial regions was altered beyond recognition during the course of the nineteenth century .
17 One of the other things , of course , we 've got to always bear in mind when we und , try to understand the parables of Jesus is that you can not , and Jesus never meant for us , to find us u our , you know a parallel for every single little detail , the for for the colour of this , or the colour of that , or th the shape of something else , he did n't expect us and did n't mean for us to find out a pa a a parallel , a meaning for every single detail because otherwise you 're gon na be contradicting yourself again and again but what we must see is , what is the main basic truth that Jesus is teaching here ?
18 You will not be left on your own to cope with any of these situations and should always ask for guidance if you are unsure .
19 When art fails , you can always turn to healing and personal development
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